1. Pretty much any 54 year old chick is going have more than several “XXX was here” signs posted. You either suck it up and plow ahead, or forever wait for some mythical 54 year old virgin (can you imagine – shudder!). Thank God I’m still married, have been for almost 30 years. Not sure I’d even look for someone else if my current wife departs.

  2. At 54 do you want an inexperienced virgin or someone who has learned some good technique?


  3. 38 years with the same woman. She still looks good IMHO and is concerned cancer might be coming back.

    Jennifer has always made me perk up and I like watching her. Could do a lot worse IMHO.

  4. If she does her exercises for down there, you wouldn’t notice who was there. As to being negative about who was there, where was yours? If you are more than both hands full then you are the same as her. They don’t get a count without guys getting a count as well. Also anyone complaining, is lying as they would still hit it as she looks great for 54.

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