Two Solutions

Several people have written to me to ask why I haven’t commented on the Iranian-backed Hamas attack / invasion of Israel — especially as I’ve long been a strong supporter of both Israel and my Tribe friends.

Frankly, I’ve been thinking about the situation, and devising some kind of suggested response that would be appropriate for Israel.

There are, as the title for this post suggests, two solutions for Israel to consider.  The first is simple.

Set aside your inherent loathing of ethnic cleansing.  I know, I know:  Hitler tried to do just that to Jews (and look where it got him), and ever since then Jews (and their parent state Israel) have recoiled from any idea of doing the same to people who hate them and want them destroyed.  Let’s clear up a couple of misconceptions first.

Firstly, clearing out the entire Gaza Strip (destroying all their buildings — every last one) and killing any Arab who tries to resist is not “ethnic” cleansing, in its purest sense, because there is no genetic difference between Arabs and Jews:  they’re both Semitic, genetically speaking.

Secondly, what the wholesale destruction of Gaza and its inhabitants represents is not therefore anything other than a military operation of retaliation — retaliation against an indiscriminate slaughter of Israelis (and, lest we forget, a whole bunch of non-Israelis as well).  To allow this “Palestinian” state to exist and continue to be a threat to Israeli citizens would be a complete failure of a government whose primary (some would say sole) duty is to protect those same citizens.

I’m not interested in people who wail that innocent Palestinians would be killed in such an operation, because there are no “innocent Palestinians” — witness the celebrations of these Arabs not just in the Middle East but worldwide over the slaughter of, ahem, innocent Israelis.  They don’t consider any Israelis to be innocent, so why should you treat them any differently?  Hell, the Hamas terrorists use their own civilians as shields against retaliation, relying on the Israelis’ reluctance to kill innocent people;  if that’s how they regard civilians, why should anyone else care about them?

To go from the specific retaliation to a broader one:  Hamas must be destroyed:  its leadership, its followers, its bases of operation and, most importantly, its support structure.

Which means taking on Iran.  I leave that to the Israeli military to pick the options here, but other than the obvious ones (destroying Iran’s nuclear infrastructure and killing the Iranians tasked with supporting Hamas), Israel should start a wholesale destruction of Iran’s oil apparatus:  the oilfields, the refineries, the ports and oil export infrastructure, the lot.  No Iranian money, no Hamas.  It’s that simple an equation.

All that comprises only the first of the two solutions of the title of this piece.  Here’s the Second [sic].

We are all accustomed to seeing pictures of off-duty Israeli soldiers walking around with their rifles slung.

However, it should be remembered that these are active-duty soldiers, not ordinary civilians.

In fact — and this is their dirty little secret — it’s almost impossible for civilian Israelis to get to own guns, any guns, for their own protection.  It is, to my mind, the single-largest failure of the Israeli government:  not having an equivalent of our Second Amendment.

In essence, what the Israeli government is saying is:  “Leave your protection to us, and to our Defense Force.”

The recent attack on a music festival (i.e. a civilian event with, it should be noted, no Army presence) should end that little charade right there in its tracks.  Or, as we Americans would put it, “When seconds count and the police are minutes away.”  The IDF’s immediate response to the Hamas invasion was quick (bit not quick enough), but neither decisive nor concerted.

Here’s another little event which happened at the same time as the invasion:

Hamas militants terrorists indiscriminately gunned down civilians and took control of a police station in a small Israeli city in Saturday’s surprise offensive.

Sderot, home to 30,000 people, was one of the first settlements to come under attack by the Hamas militants, who moved through the city shortly after dawn.

Using motorbikes, pickup trucks, motorised gliders and speed boats, more than 1,000 fighters streamed into Israel – targeting cities including Ashkelon, Ofakim and Sderot – in an attack that caught authorities completely off-guard.

Harrowing footage of the assault captured by survivors has since emerged, showing how the heavily armed assailants rode into the city on the back of pick-up trucks, killing dozens of civilians before besieging and ultimately seizing its police station.

Note that they were essentially unopposed while they played their little reindeer games and did not come under fire until after the game was played out — the IDF plowed down the police station and crushed these “militants” to death in the rubble — but it was too late for those unfortunate civilians shot at before.  Take a look at this pic:

I’ll bet that there’s not a single gun among these alte kakers, although all of them are of an age where they could have fought in the Yom Kippur War of 1973.  To deny these men their right to self-defense, to not allow them to be armed while they play their peaceful little board game, is to turn them into potential victims of Hamas terrorists.

The Israeli government should, with immediate effect, allow civilians to purchase and possess whatever guns they wish, and carry them as they go about their daily business.

Yes, there may be the occasional accident or even homicide — just as we tragically experience here in the U.S. — but the greater good is, if anything, even greater in Eretz Yisrael  than it is here.  Otherwise, there’s going to be a whole lot more of this:

…and it will all be entirely the fault of the government.

Get it done, Izzies.


  1. Share your orientation and have also given a lot of thought to solutions. Basically agree with a couple of additions.

    The responsibility lies with Hamas and their enablers which include not only Iran but the US government and many European governments. The Israeli government has to play defense which they haven’t done very well as you note.

    The dirty secret of ethnic cleansing is that it works. You don’t hear many complaints from the Sudetenlanders these days. The problem is that few, including other Arabs, wants anything to do with the Palis. The Kuwaitis invited them , including Arafat himself, in to run their oil industry. That didn’t work out so well.

    I am not sure that any government policy could protect the sort of people that would go to a “Rave for Peace” a few miles from millions of homicidal maniacs (so I excuse the Israeli government from that) but your solutions would work very well against the home invasion segment of the attacks.

    I am not sure that the US would do a lot better against this sort of attack until the surprise wore off. The 2A is basically a piece of paper-a restraining order against violating a natural right. To make an effective defense against this sort of attack- three things must be done. First carry your guns. Maybe 5% of the gun owners I know routinely carry them. And have a long gun ready at home, at least,with appropriate precautions if there are children around. Second get rid of gun-free zones, including the 10? states that are giant gun free zones. Third, get training.

    Music festival people are just hopeless. They would have been unarmed even in Texas. I take no responsibility and would urge that government resources be devoted to protecting people who take responsibility for their own safety or who cannot for reasons of age or disability.

    1. Re: Music Festival People
      The Las Vegas Shooting in 2017 was at such a festival, and NV is an open-carry state (though the PTB in ‘Vegas are not all that friendly to such as “it frightens tourists”).

      1. The asshole in Lost Wages was shooting from a hotel across the street from the concert venue, so unfortunately an armed crowd wouldn’t have made a difference.

        And I’m still not convinced that the stiff found in the hotel was the actual shooter.

        1. We’ll never hear the real story on that. I’m pretty sure it didn’t play out the way the Fibbie handlers wanted, so now it’s buried and forgotten by the mass media. Kinda like how the Uvalde shooter story got overrun by the incredibly poor police response, thus it’s mostly buried now too. Still waiting to hear how an unemployed 18 year old kid had money for almost $5000 worth of armament to carry that out.

  2. Attack Iran’s oil infrastructure: brilliant idea! The rest of the world would totes adore Israel as the price of oil hits $200 a barrel.

    For the world’s most intelligent ethnicity they really are a bunch of dumfuks. When Moses got to the other bank of the Red Sea, instead of turning left for that sad ugly rocky dry depressing desert known as Israel why didn’t he turn right and go get himself some oil. In addition to their ban on private weapons they are a heavily socialist country and one day if the Iron Dome slips and an ICBM gets through, we may mourn for a while but get over it.

  3. Meanwhile, the traitors in the U.S. government that “gave” Iran 6 billion dollars to play with, REFUSE to withdraw the approval and order the banks holding Iranian funds to refrain from sending any more for the duration (or ever). Sure makes you wonder whom is pulling our puppets strings in D.C., eh?

    The U.S. is the only country with weapons capable of neutralizing critical infrastructure in Iran but I highly doubt we will ever declare war on that nation (should have been done when they took our hostages for 444 days) or allow our allies to acquire same. Look where we are now for lack of decisive action. Not just Iran, all decisive action, right down to the on going invasion of the U.S. by military aged men from many inimical nations..

  4. While your suggestions make sense, allow me to make two caveats.

    First, no American troops, personnel, advisors, etc. should be sent in any official way (or wink wink unofficial) to participate. We don’t need to spill any more blood in the Middle East, we’ve spent the past 20+ years at war over there and accomplished jack shit. Enough. Put our troops on the southern border of USA, not in some foreign hellhole.

    Second, no more American taxpayer money. Yes, yes, we’ve already paid thru the nose for Ukraine and only God knows how much of that money and how many weapons from Ukraine made it down there. But at some point we need to stop. That includes money, weapons, materials, etc. Spend taxpayer money at home or refund it to the taxpayers. End all foreign aid. Immediately. They all hate us, so fuck them all.

    Otherwise, carry on.

    1. They all hate us, so fuck them all.

      YES, they do;
      but not even with Kim’s dick./s

      Ultimately, we’ll probably have to share some “nuclear power” with them, but it won’t bother me.

  5. 2nd solution. Mind you, this came out AFTER the attack.

    This brings to mind one of my favorite armed citizen stories, as told by the late Elmer Keith from his early childhood. IIRC, a small Montana town circa 1895 +/-. A miscreant decides to rob the local bank, which goes poorly. He then retreats to his hotel room, which happens to be a corner room on the top floor. Whereupon, a number of local armed residents gather and proceed to shoot that part of the hotel to kindling. They then gather up the still breathing robber, and wish him bon voyage by tossing him into an empty box car on a departing train.

    1. Kind of like the James-Younger gang. The law/Pinkertons didn’t stop their depredations, the good citizens of Northfield Minnesota did.

      Not sure MN is up to the job anymore tho.

  6. Relative to Gaza, it is not the ethnicity that is the problem, it is the Islamism that is the problem. If you are going to cleanse anything, get rid of the Islamics and make it a homeland for the Arab Christians (who are horribly abused by the Palestinians and almost every other Arab state.)

  7. I’ve been in the 2A space long enough to remember when the Israeli answer to private gun ownership was “why bother? I can check a gun out at the police station whenever I want to.” Israel had a few laws that were better than the US at times, but was generally as friendly as the US and Switzerland. Israel and Switzerland have gone downhill since the 90s, while Red Country US have been improving (especially in Concealed Carry and no-permit Concealed Carry).

    Israel needs to rearm all citizens that did their compulsory military service, and encourage universal concealed carry.

    (As a concerned Christian, I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. As a concerned American, they are a rich First-World Democracy that needs to first trust in God, and then defend themselves. We do not need to intervene, except to punish Hamas for kidnapping US citizens.)

  8. To every complex problem there is always one simple, easy-to-implement, incorrect solution. Here’s my version.

    Part 1:
    Make Gaza simply another part of Israel. Annex it now, today, and declare it to be part of the sovereign Israeli state. Yup, the “international community” will shriek, eff ’em. Then immediately declare it to be under full and complete martial law (no equivalent of habeas corpus or Bill of Rights), , and start the military sweeps. Create a “border” from Sderot to Kerem Shalom in a line from east to west, and then north to the sea at the Egyptian border. Move that line to the east. Every building is searched from rooftop to basement, including ground-search radar to uncover bunkers and tunnels; anything suspicious is blown the heck up. Every person who even looks like they’re offering resistance is shot on sight. I don’t care if it’s a 5 or 85-year-old spitting on an Israeli soldier, shoot them DRT, remember, they have NO rights. All of the survivors are strip-searched, issued nice new bright orange coveralls, and sent to a temporary camp. They are thoroughly identified (pictures, fingerprints, DNA, retina scanned) and sworn in as Israeli citizens. Their alternative to citizenship is to be instantly and forcibly exported to Iran; let their funders actually support them. Anybody who violates their oath, now or in the future, is automatically deported. Will there be casualties? Of course, but with sufficient use of overwhelming force the Israeli casualties can be minimized while maximizing those of Hamas. Will hostages be killed? Of course, but they’re already dead, just waiting for the actual event to happen. Is this ugly? Yes, but better than the horrific, savage, and barbaric alternative we’ve just witnessed.

    When all is said and done, the Gaza strip is re-settled with any Israeli citizen who wants to live there, including the former “Palestinians” who are now citizens, under continuing martial law. Former “Palestinians” who can prove that they used to own property (as though there were property rights under Hamas) are allowed possession, the rest is auctioned off. Any violation of law, however minute, by former Gaza inhabitant is cause for deportation. Elimination of any Islamic religious practice outside of a private home by members of a family is punishable by deportation.

    In twenty years it would indistinguishable from any other part of the Israeli coast.

    Part 2:
    Follow the Swiss model that former IDF members are automatically allowed the option to retain their issue weapon after their term of service is completed honorably. Make open carry by Israeli citizens legal, and possession of military weapons (full-auto) legal after the equivalent of a couple of days of “military” training in full-auto usage (i.e., DON’T unless in the last extreme). A yearly shooting qualification could be required to demonstrate continued proficiency with military firearms. No qualifications (the equivalent of constitutional carry) should be required for anything else (pistols and semi-auto long arms).

    It’ll never happen, nor anything actually useful. The socialists trying to run that country will never actually do what needs to be done to protect the rights of their citizens.

  9. In all the videos from 10/7, everyone has a cell phone, no one has a firearm.
    This is a 100% policy failure.
    Firearms cost less than cell phones.
    If you are close enough to record video, you are close enough to neutralize a threat.
    EVERYONE AGE 14 OR OLDER WHO IS PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY CAPABLE should be armed (loaded firearm) at all times.
    Here in my county in Virginia, High School JROTC has a pistol and rifle team, they learn this stuff early.

  10. You can show me all the photos of people toting rifles without magazines in place and I am unimpressed at the deterrent value. Forcing your citizens to lock up firearms and ammo at police stations and then granting them permission to have 50 rounds of ammo is an insult to free people. Give them frags for Christ sake.

    I agree with Point 1 agree fully. Having spent time in the Middle East, most Arabs despise Palestinians. Most Arabs fear Iranians increased influence in the Gulf. Egypt might take exception to pushing people across their border but they can be just a ruthless as necessary with trouble makers. Go to war with Iran if need and you might be surprised at the help your Arab neighbors might give you.

  11. The major problem with the 2nd Amendment is leftist lawyers who will bring the shooter to court even in the case of the most righteous shooting and, as in the current, on-going Christian baker case, will attempt to bankrupt that individual and, in general, make his life hell; might as well also refer to the case of Gibson’s Bakery v. Oberlin College.
    Conclusion: the legal profession needs to be reined in by whatever means (typically financial) possible.

  12. Can’t believe the Izzies don’t allow their private citizens to be armed. But then it would probably cause problems when they tried to resist whatever fuckery Ehud Barak tried.

    As for the Palestinians, I will delve into a story from my college days. Our college president (back when they weren’t woke fuckwads) got into a pissing contest with the State Board of Ed., so they fired him as college pres, but he was still considered a full tenured history professor so he got to teach classes. Me (as a history major, don’t judge me) didn’t care what kind of College Pres. he was, he was a damn good history prof. He grew up in the coal fields of Illinois, and his parents were coal miners/labor hacks. In fact they knew Mother Jones personally. Anyway back in the 60’s on (I think University of Chicago but memory is sketchy) he arranged for a visit from the then, very alive Jimmy Hoffa, President of the Teamsters.

    Story he related to me in one of our classes:

    During the Q&A period an obviously Middle Eastern kid stood up, and asked Mr. Hoffa something akin to the following: “The Teamsters Union has been outspoken supporters or the state of Israel, what do you think about the Palestinian people and their claims and what is your solution to the situation?”

    To which Mr. Hoffa replied, “My solution to the Palestinian situation is to string a clothesline two feet high, and shoot any Palestinian who cannot walk under it.”

    I never got a good read on the effect of that speech.

    Sadly I think thats what it is coming down to. Like the response of Francis Farewell in Shaka Zulu, “It all comes down to blowing their heads off.”

    There isn’t going to be an equitable solution thats accepted by the Palestinians and even if there is, that .gov will be overthrown by Hamas and its Iranian masters. So the US just has to pick a side, and damn the moral consequences.

    1. “My solution to the Palestinian situation is to string a clothesline two feet high, and shoot any Palestinian who cannot walk under it.”

      …and then shoot those who can?

      I think Hitler tried that… didn’t work.

  13. My solution is enlarge the Suez Canal, from Cairo to Istanbul, all the way to Mumbai. Make it a thousand miles wide and a hundred feet deep. That would solve lots of mideast problems.

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