Just To Make Sure

…that I have this right.  Below is the evil, awful 15-round magazine as made by Glock:

And then what seems to be acceptable to the gun-haters:

Did I get that right?

I’m pretty sure that it would only take me a couple seconds longer to fire off 16 rounds from two magazines than 15 rounds from one.

Is this really the hill they want to die on?  Two seconds’ difference?  (figuratively speaking, of course)

(Next thing, California is going to ban the carry of more than one magazine on one’s person — ugh, perhaps I should shut up and not give them ideas…)

And of course, those .45 John Moses Browning boolets are going to arrive on target with, shall we say, a tad more authority than that lil’ 9mm Europellet.

I’ll stick to my 1911 and Chip McCormick mags, thank you.


  1. When I applied for my Washington DC carry permit, I had to register the firearms that I would be carrying in the District. DC limits magazines to 10 rounds and you can only carry up to 20 rounds on your person which essentially means carrying a pistol 10+1, and an additional magazine loaded to only 9 rounds so that you don’t exceed the numerical limit. (yes, that’s actually the law)

    To comply with said law, I filled out the paperwork which asked for capacity of the firearm. That didn’t make much sense to me, so I listed capacity as 11 rounds (10 in the mag, plus 1 in the pipe). The clerk told me that I had to put 10. After some back and forth about what the word “capacity” meant, she finally just scratched out what I’d put, wrote in 10 rounds, and then accepted and approved my registration.

  2. Silliness.
    To eliminate drunk drivers, penalize non-drunk drivers.
    I ignore all that stupid shit.

  3. Wilson Combat 47D magazines for me. we have the same ludicrous magazine restrictions around here. Cartridges eleven on up give the weenies a devastating case of the vapors. they haven’t limited the number of magazines we can carry, yet.


  4. And then there’s the law of Uninteded Consequences; guns that can take only a ten round magazine are smaller than guns that take fifteen round mags, so they’re more concealable. A stolen ten round gun stuck in the pocket of a thug’s oversized hoodie might not even imprint.I sincerely doubt that’s what the braindead politicos in California, et. al. intended. Reality’s a bitch and when ignored will bite. Just hope you’re not in the vicinity when it does.

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