Ahhh those good old days when women had Bettah Pharmaceuticals to stop them going batshit crazy… and speaking of batshit crazy:
...under the reign of World-Emperor Kim, there would be a similar fish tank at the Pentagon, with a long line of generals waiting their turn — starting with that traitor Mark Milley.
Moving on to the Great Cultural Assimilation Project:
...you don’t say, Hank ol’ buddy. Here’s one country that hasn’t:
...”you know how many Islamic terrorist attacks there have been in Poland? NONE.” [/quote of the day]
From the Chronicles of Nationalisation:
And yet we see they haven’t learned their lesson yet:
...wait: didn’t they privatize the thing in the Seventies because the State had fucked it up almost beyond redemption?
...another example of having privatized a service after nationalizing it had failed. Maybe the answer really is: [whispers] light rail transport systems don’t work in modern-day society.
Speaking of modern-day society:
...cut “her” dick and balls off, says I.
In Everybody Panic! News:
...yawn. This nearly made INSIGNIFICA. As did this:
...crabs? Hornets? What’s next? Oh yeah, it’s Global Cooling Climate Warming Change©:
...”when”? How about “if ever”?
Speaking of “Places I’d Like To See Go Underwater”:
...and Hollywood actresses go on strike over “unfair competition”.
And in other Sporting News:
...and then the real gagging began.
Now it’s the real, honest, link-free INSIGNIFICA:
Finally, in Celebrity News:
...she’s no stranger to these pages, but here’s a brief refresher:
And on that high note, we end the roundup.