Alerted by this little alarm bell via Insty:
“[Shooters] enthusiasts can expect cartridge prices to increase for the rest of the year and continue to do so through 2024.”
…in other words, shooters should get going before ammo gets really unaffordable:
…and it’s this very weekend. We now return to our regular programming.
To have more ammo would require more space.
At 40k rds spanning 5 calibers I’m pretty much maxxed out.
Got that shit stacked to the ceiling all over the place with narrow, weaving paths between the stacks. If the stacks fall over it will take weeks to find my dead, decrepit ass. But still, I keep looking for deals.
40k rounds??
Nice start…
Well, I’m fine. When the government takes my last three rifles off me (.22LR, .22H and .223) and crushes them … around the first quarter of next year … they’ll “compensate” me for my guns (at their price, judges’ decision final and no correspondence or negotiation will be entered into), but are not interested in powder, brass, live ammo, primers, projectiles … no money for them.
Of course … what they don’t tell you is, as soon as your firearms licence is cancelled (because you no longer have any so you can’t have a licence), it immediately becomes ILLEGAL to have any of the above, with a 14-year prison sentence hanging over your head, so you will surrender them to the police for destruction. (No, you can’t sell them to someone else; that would be illegal because, inter alia, you don’t have a dealer’s licence). And no-one is gonna want a couple of thousand of my reloads, because, well …
Sometimes I hate the shit out of this place!!
Since you’re fucked anyway, just kill them when they come.
No one so free as someone with nothing to lose, you know.
Where are you that this going to occur next year?
Western Australia
you have my sympathies.
Picked up 600 rounds of blazer today. 9mm if anyone is keeping score. Have it stored in so many spots I have to buy more so I can find my stashes.
to quote Rudyard Kipling
“A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition”
I’ll pick up at least a box of ammunition. I might send the cost a box of ammunition to Connecticut Citizen’s Defense League or Gun Owner’s Action League in Massachusetts since they are fighting to keep our rights behind enemy lines. Like New York that lead to the Bruen decision, the fight is here in blue states.
Being one of millions of poverty-stricken retirees here in the U. S. od A., I have this recurring dream that the Gummint comes to its senses and gives us an annual Cost of Ammunition” increase.
If I hadn’t lost all my weapons when the paddle boat sank in Roosevelt Lake some years ago, my intention this year would have been to scrape up enough for a box or two of .357, just to be able to say I did my part.
Being one of millions of poverty-stricken retirees here in the U. S. of A., I have this recurring dream that the Gummint comes to its senses and gives us an annual Cost of Ammunition” increase.
If I hadn’t lost all my weapons when the paddle boat sank in Roosevelt Lake some years ago, my intention this year would have been to scrape up enough for a box or two of .357, just to be able to say I did my part.
Ordered 500 rounds of 5.56mm. Yeah I know it isn’t in a more “manly” caliber but its mainly for my lady friend’s 20″ barrel AR. Like me, her mature eyes don’t work all that well, but if she can see it she can hit it.