(Chris Muir has been on fire recently)
In Glueball Jewhate News:
...the only question being: other than Embassy staff (because it’s their job), WTF are any Americans doing in that shithole? And speaking of shitholes:
...to the surprise of absolutely nobody, seeing as the ANC are terrorist scum, just like Hamas. And speaking of nobodies:
...yeah maybe, asswipe; but like the pigs in Animal Farm, some hands are a lot more dirty than others. Yours, for instance, you malodorous terrorsymp. And speaking of asswipes:
...of course he does, the feckless girlyman, because all the statistics show that more “migrants”, more crime. And he likes crime, especially as he’s trying his best to disarm the existing Canucki population.
Finally, a reversal:
...not much fun when it happens to your lot, is it?
And in other Great Cultural Assimilation News:
...note: islands. Side note: where’s General Franco when we need him? Or Pinochet, for that matter?
And in Sorta-Legal News:
...well it sure as fuck isn’t a real trial, either. It’s more of a political stunt than anything else.
...wait: you mean it hasn’t been banned yet, Over There?
There’s always Global Warming Climate Cooling Change© News:
...oh dear. Did we get it all wrong?
In Financial News:
...isn’t there a statute of limitations on this bullshit? And if not, why not? And speaking of sex:
...actually, it’s all about how he doesn’t let his young son watch porn, but there ya go.
And in our favorite department, INSIGNIFICA:
...”Fuck me, Jack” ?
And finally, in Slut News:
...who she? you ask. Some Brit TV reality tart, nothing special:
And in an earlier incarnation:
Got the idea? I think so.