1. for some reason, I’m always reminded of the joke from the cartoon “Duck Tales” when some of the villains tossed a net over our heroes.

    Huey: It’s a net!
    Unca Scrooge: And not Funicello!

  2. Tho not of my generation, caught her on a lot of reruns, and always thought she was cuter than hell.
    Good choice on this one.

  3. Annette sure made my heart go “pitty pat”. I was 10 when the show went off the air , but I was quite enamored with her.

  4. Annette was the only reason I never missed the opening “Roll Call” of the mickey Mouse club as a 10 year old. There was no way too miss that she was very different than most of the cast members and filled out that white sweater with her name on it ( with maybe one or two exceptions ). but as I grew older my tastes shifted as I met a number of actual girls of similar extraction …. and their punk brothers.

  5. She was a beautiful woman. It was very sad to see how she passed but even with her sickness she lived with grace, beauty and class.

  6. The very definition of “the girl next door” if there ever was one. One of the last classy dames IMHO.

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