Not A Chance, Mate

So you apply for a job, but they hire some chick because, in the boss’s actual words, they want to hire fewer White men.

Crystal-clear case of race- and sex discrimination.

So you sue the company on those grounds, and win bigly — millions of bucks which enable you to retire early and live in the South of France with a blonde nymphomaniac totty who has massive tatas.

Oh wait, I got that all wrong.

But the panel dismissed his claims – which the hearing heard had been branded ‘absurd’ – ruling it was not ‘indicative of an intention to discriminate’ when an employer mentioned its aim to improve diversity in an underrepresented workforce.

Slamming down his claims, an employment judge said that although a firm may aspire to be ‘less dominated by white men’, it does not mean there’s an ‘intention to achieve that objective by discriminating in recruitment against white men and in favour of women or minority ethnic candidates’.

I think the ruling was AI-generated.

Prime Candidate

Well, I’d vote for her.

Born into extreme poverty in Ethiopia in 1978 or ’79, Pilip emigrated with her family to Israel at the age of 12.  W

hen she came of age, served a stint with the IDF’s elite paratroopers. She told JTA back in January that as a college student, she headed up the Ethiopian Student Union for two years. “I was a voice of so many young kids who wanted equal opportunity and really my main focus was especially education, because I do believe through education, you can achieve a lot and you can integrate into the society.”

While at the University of Haifa, she met an American-Ukrainian medical student named Adalbert Pilip. He’s now a successful cardiologist, she’s in politics, and together they have a huge family.

Lefties are practically wetting themselves because Pilip is an Orthodox Jewish Woman of Color Onetime Synagogue Vice President Former Machine-Gun Toting Paratrooper Mom of Seven. Any two of those items together is enough to make their heads explode, and she has four of five of them going on.

My kinda African.  AND she’s Tribe, so there’s a double whammy for the Commies.

In what passes for conservative politicians in New York, she’s a mega.  And I bet, MAGA as well;  because like me again, she’s seen what happens when your society goes to shit — hell, in her case, always was in shit — and will no doubt work to stop it happening here.

We can only hope.  In the meantime, the Commies’ heads are exploding — which is always a Good Thing.

News Roundup

Could the news possibly be any worse, I ask?  I report;  you decide.

...given some of the rulings I’ve seen recently, I think they’ve been doing that for years.  Key word:  Britishland.  Also, see next item:

...’nuff said.

From the Global Cooling Climate Warming Change© News:

...subject to the delays caused by the usual EPA “checks”, by which time everyone in the state will have died of cold already.  And:  Illinois?

In Business Medicine News:

...more like YAY! YAY! YAY!  but whatever.

From the Department of Corrections: a whole new meaning to the term “prison screw”.

...must have found Epstein’s client list.  Also:

And in the Great Cultural Assimilation Project:

...just execute the little bitch and make her a martyr for Allah.

And speaking of martyrs:

...I guess Jahweh is mightier than Allah?  We atheists get confused.

In Lawn Order News: well they should.  But I was told there would be landmines...

...key word:  Oregon.

...better late than neverKeyword:  Scotland.

And in Election News:

...and pretty much every year.  Key name:  Wrong Way McDaniel.

In other Entertainment News:

...faked it that long, eh?  Good practice for when you’re married.

...we all knew that, hun.

In the blessedly-link-free INSIGNIFICA:


...okay, I’ve always had the hots for this little ginger shrimp, even though a) Australian and b) terrible taste in husbands.

And that’s all the news fit to worry about.


We interrupt this day’s normal posting fare of guns, political invective and cars etc. to bring you some broken news:

Salma and Penelope in a movie together?

Yes, you got that right:

I was too excited to read the movie’s name, but come on, that happens sometimes.

I feel faint…

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I’ve Always Said That

…and now, there’s !SCIENCE! to prove it:

Ditching a bra could make your breasts perkier, experts have claimed.

Women’s health specialists and plastic surgeons have suggested that the tight pressure from a bra can weaken tissues around the breasts over time, causing them to droop.

The uplifted look is also said to be due to the gradual strengthening of back muscles that happens when you’re unsupported, improving posture.

I’ve always thought you can tell the difference between habitual bra-wearers and the freedom-lovers the minute things go natural.

I know, I know:  we need evidence.  Here ya go:

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