News Roundup

And believe it or not, ladies:  it’s the truth.  Unless, of course, she’s so worn out by all the work that she comes after him with a cleaver when he just asks her to make him a sammich.

In Military News:

...wait:  you mean that young White men are actually wanted in today’s Army?

From the Dept. of Health:

...wait:  don’t they want us to start eating bugs?

Things Political:

...and even fewer people care what you think about Rand Paul, you RINO loser.

And in ShowBiz News:

...key word:  died.  What’s next:  a mass pee-in on his grave?  Can you assholes leave the fucking guy alone, now that he’s beyond “manipulating” anyone?

In GlueBall Jewhate News:

...because their Arab terrorist compadres hate Israel.  There:  saved y’all the trouble of following the link.  And speaking of terrorsymp shitheads: for thought, fuckwit:  Jews aren’t going to be setting off bombs in your mosque — although if they behaved like your terrorist buddies, they would.

In Global City News:

...keyword:  Birmingham, UK.

...keyword:  see above.

From the Dept. Of Education:

...I think the death penalty — wait, it was a female teacher?  Never mind.

...keep maintaining, sweetie.  Ain’t gonna help. wouldn’t think so if you shopped at Amazon, where it seems that every single fucking item is “Made in China”.



...and trust me, you don’t want to see the  link.

Finally, a little stroll down

...wait, Demi is now a GILF?

Ho yuss, as a quick look at some 2023-era pics will show:

At 61, very GILFy, my son.

I think we’ve (un)covered enough news for today.


  1. Nice to see that Demi hasn’t gone down the same path as fellow 90s minx Bridget Fonda. It’s also nice to see that whatever work she’s had done was far more subtle than, say, Madonna.

    (And yes, I apologize for making any of you think of current-era Madonna. Wash out your heads with this thought: Nigella Lawson. You’re welcome.)

  2. Why aren’t mosques targeted? That’s where the terrorists are five times a day with their heads down and their asses in the air. They’re practically inviting it while in that position.

    Give the DIE and such in the military and private industry, I’m sure white folks are working to survive. your demographics does not make you smarter, more clever or insightful than anyone else. Maybe I’m wrong. the mission of the military is to beat our enemies into submission. That should be their only mission. Get rid of DIE and other woke nonsense.

    Demi Moore still has it apparently. That’s nice to see

    When you have government run healthcare, goods and services will be rationed. Rationed care will get people killed due to delays in care. It’s a basic fact.

    which Sununnu is getting mouthy, the never-was or the has-been? Rand Paul is frequently right.

    while they are going after Matthew Perry, why aren’t they going after any given “rap” performer for their nasty lyrics and such?


  3. A friend of mine said, “The Army recruiting numbers must REALLY be bad, they’re running commercials featuring white people again”

  4. In October there was a six hour wait at my local Merchant of Death just to buy a box of .22 because so many Jewish people were buying guns and the four guys behind the counter were swamped.
    It did my heart good to see it, even though I had to stand the whole time.

  5. And a grammar gripe, If I may.
    The Paedo teacher cannot “maintain” her innocence. She was convicted, not proven innocent. The best she can do is “assert” or “claim” her innocence.

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