Quote Of The Day

In response to the celebratory picture of Vogue cover “girls” over the past [whatever] years:

…some guy SOTI grumped:

“Too much cinnamon, not enough sugar.”

I LOL’d.

*The word “girls” was put in quotes because some of the models (Oprah coff coff ) were last seen as actual girls back in the mid-Sixties.


  1. Or another way to look at it is that they chose 90% of the total cinnamon cover girls for the photoshoot and 2% of the sugar cover girls. Virtue-signalling historical distortion makes my ass sore.

  2. Will I ever find the recent 3rd world environment bombardment appealing?

    Probably not.

    Trash is always trash no matter who says otherwise.

  3. On looking at the picture again, one thing struck me: with the exception of Oprah, they all have that “thousand-cocks” look in their eyes.

    Or maybe that’s just the heroin.

  4. Is it just me or did some of them sport dicks at one time? Can’t look at a group of girls anymore without wondering a bit. And Oprah. In what gin induced coma would Oprah have been considered a cover girl.

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