News Roundup

(“This [mother] drinks it, that one doesn’t.”  So much for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.)

And speaking of French wisdom:

...little late to the party, mes amis, but à bas les Vertes!  (Couldn’t have put it better myself.)

Speaking of Greens, and their Global Warming Climate Cooling Change© agenda:

...ah fucking hell, not this old chestnut again.  This was supposed to happen back in 1975, when all the Smart Set was convinced a new Ice Age was upon us.  Now that Covid has failed, Global Warming has morphed into Climate Change and nobody cares about either, here comes the Collapsing Gulf Stream again.  Can I suggest that if it doesn’t collapse next year, all the scientific alarmists be scourged then hanged in the public square?  Show of hands…

And speaking of capital punishment:

...someone tell me why people like this should not be broken on the rack, then beheaded.  I need a good laugh.

Next:  a parent who gets the picture.
...and good for her, say I.  Hope she’s got a gun or two floating around, in case of looters.  But she’s from Utah, so...

...and in other breaking news:  Sherman Sacks Atlanta.

In Sex Wars:

In Medical News:

...keyword:  Mexico.  Also:  “…all of whom had undergone cosmetic surgery like breast implants or butt lifts”.

In Serious Crime News:

...see, if he’d only stopped at three...

...and given who it was, our Potternerd should be thankful they didn’t shoot him dead on the spot.  Although the shooting should have been confined to the fraidy-cats who called the rozzers on the poor kid.

In the Travel / Entertainment Dept.:

...and here I thought that “themed cocktails” was just another term for hookers in fancy dress.

...wait:  a fireball?  In a water park?  Does not compute.

TAYLOR Swift and Travis Kelce are on course to become
the richest power couple in entertainment
...BFD.  If Taylor Swift married some starving folk singer in Memphis, they’d still be the “richest power couple in entertainment”.

And now for the ever-popular

And to finish this off, a stroll down :

...oh well, I report, you decide:

Incidentally, when did “42” become middle-aged?  Even when I was 29 (and not 69), I thought 40-year-old broads were sexy, not middle-aged.

But we can discuss all that another time, because that’s the end of the news.


  1. “…someone tell me why people like this should not be broken on the rack, then beheaded. I need a good laugh.”

    Because a oubliette would be far more appropriate.

    1. I’d prefer the Christian approach.

      “It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea”

      Millstones are kind of scarce these days, but I’m sure a cinder block or two would work just as well.

    2. Actually, the reason they shouldn’t be broken on the rack is it’s a waste of time for the laborer who has to run the rack. Such vermin should be mitigated in the simplest manner; bullet behind the ear, stuffed under wet cement, what-have-you. They aren’t worth fancy arrangements.

    3. The Indians (excuse me, Native Americans) in the Great Lakes region of which Western Pennsylvania is a part, were absolute masters at torture that would not kill the subject too quickly and allow the full effect of the torture inflict pain on the unwilling recipient. I hesitate to go into much graphic or explicit detail at all, since I consider this to be a family blog, but let’s just say that they were masters at using their flint knives to good effect, and the French did not call the one tribe “The Hurons” (The Rough Ones) because their artwork was crude.

  2. Sarah Dunn is quite easy on the eyes. More please

    the weather prognosticators can’t even predict the weather more than 3-5 days in the future. I’m sure they can’t predict the long term trends yet millions believe them without a shadow of a doubt.

    Avoiding news of Taylor Swift is turning into quite the challenging pastime unfortunately.

  3. It never ceases to amaze me that preppers and gun folks are more than happy to show off their collections of things to media (traditional or otherwise). Just so everyone knows who to loot. Saw a guy post his entire revolver collection on Fecesbook, and thought, “welp now everyone knows”.

    Had woke niece ask me how many guns I had, my response was:
    Me: “My dear that’s a business question”
    WN: “Why are you a policeman or in security?”
    Me: “No, as in none of your fucking”

    Pretty much ended the conversation, got a chuckle out of my BIL tho.

  4. TAYLOR Swift and Travis Kelce are on course to become the richest power couple in entertainment.

    She wears so much red lipstick I’ll wager Kelce’s dick looks like a barber pole.

  5. “Is Polyamory the next big thing?” (in the Sex Wars )
    Actually that’s in the Pagan vs Western Civilization Wars, and the answer is,
    “Why not? It makes things even more impossible for ordinary men, and more opportunities for women to be unhappy and need psychotropic anti-depressants.”

  6. “…someone tell me why people like this should not be broken on the rack, then beheaded. I need a good laugh.”

    Have you gone soft? How about:
    flayed alive, sprayed with vinegar, rolled in salt, hung to dry in a cold place under a tree until wt biltong, taken down and left in a place where predators with strong jaws roam.

  7. “…someone tell me why people like this should not be broken on the rack, then beheaded. I need a good laugh.”

    Have you gone soft? How about:
    flayed alive, sprayed with vinegar, rolled in salt, hung by the thumbs under a tree in a cold place until dry, taken down and left in a place where predators with strong jaws roam.

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