Dept. Of Righteous Shootings

Stop me if you’ve heard this one

Seems like an Olde Phartte went to his local ATM to draw himself a little bingo money, whereupon a yoot approached him with a gun and demanded that the Olde Phartte share — i.e. 100% for the yoot and the rest for its owner.

Well, even in Chicago this didn’t seem like a fair exchange, so Our Hero drew his own gun and swapped a few rounds with the goblin, with a decent outcome in that the goblin assumed room temperature and Our Hero was only slightly wounded.

Seems as though the Chicago PD are going to behave themselves, and Our Hero will not be charged.


  1. As far as Gramps not being charged, the day is young. In that dipshitted deep blue cesspool, I’ll wager he can kiss his gun goodbye. Hopefully it’s a plastic fantastic of the sort you profiled recently for precisely this sort of circumstance.

    KDT: are comments turned off for the Bowie post? I’ve tried twice, no dice. “Awaiting moderation.”

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