I hardly ever drink Coca-Cola anymore… no big reason, I just seem to have lost the taste for its battery-acid sweetness.
One of my biggest eye-openers was when I bought a Coke in the Cape Verde Islands back in 1986, and could hardly finish the can. You see, I’d always thought that Coke was a universal flavor, no matter where you bought it. Nu-uh. The super-sweet formula of South African Coke was nothing like the Belgian (?) Coke sold on Ilha Do Sal (yes, the Coke was bottled in Brussels, according to the legend on the can).
Anyway, that was my first exposure to the battery-acid burn of regular Coca-Cola, and once I got used to it, I drank it as much as I had back in Seffrica… until I stopped. Maybe it was the switch from cane sugar to corn sugar — there is a difference, and I can, or could tell it, even in blind taste tests back when I used to do such things.
Anyway, my Coke consumption is now about… I dunno, maybe a few cans a year, and usually only when I can’t think what else to drink. We keep maybe a 6-pack in the house, mostly in case visitors might want some, and when it’s gone I don’t exactly rush to restock it in the garage fridge.
That may have to change. You see, Coca-Cola is now apparently a Zionist drink, according to these fucking loons, who have resorted to damaging stores — even very popular ones — who sell the stuff. All this because Coke has a distribution center on Israel’s West Bank, and the Pals think that the WB is theirs and Israel is The Great Invader / Colonizer or something, I can’t be bothered to keep up with whatever is riling them up these days.
Were I in charge of such things at Coca-Cola, I’d close the operation in the West Bank and move it to, I dunno, somewhere outside Tel Aviv — thus causing the Arab workers in the WB plant to lose their jobs along the way. But that’s just me.
Take the time, however, to read the article linked, because unusually for the Daily Mail, it’s a sound piece of actual journalism as used to be commonplace but is no longer.
The British “Friends of al-Aqsa” organization is, like the American Council for Islamic Relations (CAIR), one of those festering pustules in Western society who, while being all about keeping relationships friendly with their host societies, are in fact nothing more than terrorsymps who, if they had their way, would impose Shari’a law in a heartbeat.
Wait a minute, Kim, I hear you say, calling them “terrorsymps” is a little harsh.
Really? Attacking a store and its owner just for stocking Coca-Cola, and causing him to stop selling it — terrorism isn’t just blowing up buildings and flying airliners into skyscrapers, you know. And this kind of thing happens everywhere — everywhere — when the Muslim population of country reaches even as little as 5% of the total. (And Bradford, where the above bullshit happened, has a Muslim population which — forget that piddly 5% — is closer to 30% of the area’s total. Small wonder that they can rampage around at will for the slightest excuse, such as a store having the temerity to sell Coca-Cola.)
Frankly, I’d have no problem at all with putting an asterisk in our own First Amendment which says in effect “except for Islam and its practitioners”.
But I can’t do that, of course, so I think I’ll just put on my yarmulka and go buy a case of Coke. Because fuck ’em.