1. Don’t get me started on Steely Dan — almost all the solos, whether from Baxter or Carlton, are wonderful.

    1. Hendrix, famously, to one of Chicago’s horn players in the 60s, “You know your guitar player is better than me.”

    2. Happened upon that Leonid version of 25 or 6 to 4 a few months ago and was instantly mesmerized and stunned and have watched it at least a dozen times so far.

      Those people knocked it all the way out of the park. Hard!

      The star performer in all of their toonz is the drummer, and the guitar player is superlative as well.

      They’re from Ukraine and are touring the US.

  1. Dunno who determines the top 5. The abovelisted are fine, but not sure top 5.

    I think there’s an inherent bias in all of this, “band playing on the radio when I got laid for the first time, best band ever” kind of thing.

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