Get ‘Em While They’re Fresh

Here’s a headline which will make you do something:

But here’s the punchline:

A guest, who endorsed the marriage, said the marriage came about due to a longstanding custom mandating that the priest marry a virgin. He revealed that there are currently no virgin girls in Nungua above the age of nine.

What was that saying about Africa winning?  Oh yeah… well, read all about it.

Warning:  contains the name “Gborbu Wulomo Nuumo Borketey Laweh XXXIII”.  (Strange way to spell “child molester”, but there ya go.)


  1. And the “global elite” just don’t understand why we don’t want more diversity and vibrancy in our neighborhoods.

    As for me? I’m just fine with African culture, as long as it stays in Africa. And you can substitute South American, Chinese, Middle Eastern, etc. for Africa and the statement still works.

  2. Africa now is much like what California will become, after certain elements of the population move east and north.

  3. I believe the trouble started when academics started pushing the fallacy that all cultures have value and every aspect of a culture is valuable. Say that nonsense enough times to enough people and now we have the diversity movement and such.

    Indian (DNF Dots not Feathers) Widows throwing themselves onto their deceased husband’s funeral pyre is not an admirable cultural trait. Neither is genital mutilation, pedophilia, slavery, the caste system etc. We need to stop pretending otherwise.

    1. Could not agree more. Not much outside of Western Civ is desirable, thus the attempt to make Western Civ, a wasteland of Marxist stupidity.

      Spent too much time in a Global-Mega-Computer-Corp (make no mistake this was a total Suburban Guilty-White-Mommy thing) decrying the lack of diversity for her kids. If pressed this meant there were no wealthy Black families in the neighborhood, vs having her daughter married off at 11 to some Mullah, or having Black thugs shoot up her neighborhood.

      “Diversity is a fine thing, when taken on my terms”

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