1. some of the higher echelons were self selecting for PhD and then it crept into the Master’s degree programs. Now I’m sure it has crept into the Bachelor’s programs. If you aren’t woke then no degree for you

  2. Meh, some of the woke talk is over the top, but this is over the top in the other direction.

    In the hunter gatherer societies that still exist and have been studied, the women also hunt. They just don’t hunt the same stuff in the same way. The women tend to hunt smaller game close to camp (particularly as targets of opportunity as they gather) while the men hunt larger game farther afield. This makes perfect sense from the standpoint of maximizing their ability to get resources while balancing other requirements (mainly child rearing. )

    There is no reason to think at least most of out ancestor societies were not similarly arranged.

    So the woke wannabes try to go for broke on this narrative, that is what they do. There is no reason to go silly in the other direction either.

  3. For the record;

    According to the old scale, an Idiot is an IQ below 25, an Imbecile is between 25 and 50, and a Moron starts at 51 and runs to 70 or 75 (conflicting scales).

    So, the quote has the intellectuals studying to be DUMBER.

    Which is about right.

    1. I guess I’ve been too kind to SloJoe Buydem lately. I’ve been calling him a moron.

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