Oh yeah, baby: it’s that time of year when the Grand National is run at Aintree, and when we can look forward to some Train Smash Women and their antics.
Only, this year? Not as much fun as usual… so far:
Too many regrettable decisions to count, in that last one.
A couple, it seemed, didn’t get the memo:
…but a lot of others did, and dressed accordingly:
That said, I think these pics were taken mostly in the early morning, before the booze had a chance to do its work.
On the other hand, maybe it’s just that nobody could afford to get wasted. HFS, look at those prices:
Racegoers will be expected to pay £7.50 for draught beers (not including Guinness) and ciders, while a 330ml can could cost up to £7.
Meanwhile, a single serving of wine is set to cost £9.50 with a full bottle priced at £37.50.
A bottle of Prosecco will set punters back £46 while a bottle of Gobillard Brut Champagne totals a staggering £85.
Cocktails are priced at £13 each, with soft drinks costing £3.20 and a can of water £2.90 itself.
We’ll just have to wait and see. More to follow.
Update 1: Okay, despite the cost of booze, that’s a little more Train Smash-y…
And then came… Ladies Day.
Tats on fat, barf in yer hat.
Keyword: Liverpool.
Those above-the-update pictures remind me of the old joke:
him: Are you girls from Ireland?
her: Wales!
him: Oh, sorry; are you whales from Ireland?
Why do women with bodies like six-month-old potatoes feel a need to emphasize that?
The granny with the backless dress in house slippers, is my favorite.
I always suspected that about you…
These ladies are blessed by special permission from God to wear their legs upside down.
I can say without fear of contradiction that not a single one of those “ladies” has ever been offended by the presence of a man in their local Planet Fitness.
As in they have never planted a hoof in a Planet Fitness.
I’m not convinced all of those pictured were born women. There’s an awful lot of really strong, rugged jawlines in this group.
Isn’t it wonderful the British economy is doing so well?