Old Broads

You know, when I were a lad, women in their late 50s looked like old women:  they wore old lady clothes and shoes, their hair was gray, they did things like knitting and sewing, baked cakes and stuff for their grandkids… you get my drift, I think.

Well what then, to make of these old broads?  (links in the pics)

Salma Hayek, 57

I mean, if you look closely at her hands, you can see she’s no spring chicken.  But who the hell looks at her hands?

Then there’s Item #2 on this little list:

Shania Twain, 58

Apparently, Our Shania has recently discovered the joy of walking around the house naked.  (you may go off and take that heart pill, now)

Finally — and I could do this for ages, but I have to end this sometime — there’s:

Liz Hurley, 58

Well, we know all about her, of course.

Another gin, Kim?  I think so.  I don’t think it’s healthy to take so many heart pills in a row.


  1. 58 is old?

    At any rate, women in their 40’s , 50’s and 60’s are way hotter than younger women

    I’m 40 and always have liked women older than me

    Salma Hayek looks incredible

    Some other women in their 50’s that are still smoke shows

    jacqueline obradors
    rachael ray

    And of course one of the hottest 60 something year olds I’ve seen Jennifer Tilly

    Antiques are the best!

    1. I second your opinion of Jennifer Tilly. Beautiful woman, and that incredibly sexy voice!

  2. Keely Shaye Smith – 60 – Pierce Brosnan is one lucky mother fucker

    Sofía Vergara – 51 – her ex husband is a dumbass for leaving to make babies with some inferior woman. Sofia is a Lucious Latina.

  3. Kim, Salma Hayek (and the mention of Monica Bellucci) means heart pills are going to do dilly-squat for heart palpitations….and why am I drooling all of the sudden?

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