More Strong Medicine

Here’s another thing which gets up my nose:

Columbia’s Rabbinical Leaders Urge Jewish Students to Stay Home Amid ‘Extreme Antisemitism and Anarchy’

Why?  Why should Jews cower in their houses when these anti-Semitic assholes are screeching their “from the river to the sea” bullshit?  They have as much right — perhaps even more so — to be on campus as these other tools, and if confronted then yes, they should have the right to defend themselves against attack.

If you get my drift.

The problem is, and always has been, that Jews respond like victims to anti-Semitic bullying instead of standing up to it.  (The exception to this, of course, is the state of Israel, which is why the Arabs and their noch-schleppers  get into such a frothy about Israel — “They dare to stand up to us and retaliate!” — when in fact that is precisely what is needed when encountering a bully.)

No, Jews are civilized — at least, far more civilized than those who hate them, e.g. Arabs and other Muslims — and so their response to threats has always been with calls to the “authorities” for protection instead of applying a local version of IDF remedies.

Well, the “authorities” ain’t gonna do shit to help you, guys, and in fact they’re more likely to be terrorsymps than protectors.

I have a dream, and it’s absolutely nothing like Martin Luther King’s.

I have a dream that I could get a whole bunch of my tough Tribe Readers to go with me to the Columbia campus, and do nothing but stand there and wear our yarmulkas during one of these little “demonstrations” by the Screaming Asshole Set.  No signs, no yelling, nothing but our presence.

I’ll leave what follows to your imagination.


  1. I thought people vowed “Never Forget!” and “Never Again!” well guess what, institutions like Columbia and Harvard are condoning it again! Fight back! Learn about the Warsaw Ghetto uprising.

  2. Let’s take a minute to talk about Columbia.

    For around 100 years, Columbia has been one of the main tumors from which Marxist thought has metastasized across this country, a position that accelerated when they welcomed the transplanted Frankfurt School in 1935, when the nationalist socialist situation in Germany was well on its way to being unwelcoming to internationalist communists. Every major “intellectual” and “academic” thread underpinning of the Way of Woke can be traced straight to their door.

    What we are seeing is the normal and predictable consequence of a thoroughly suborned institution that has steeped in Marxist ideology for a century, and we’re at least 75 years past the point where decent reputable folks should have anything to do with them.

    I know there may be less commie elements of the school, but I submit that serves primarily as camouflage. “Moderate” Leftists will wrap themselves around the axle (literally, in the near future, if they aren’t careful) to excuse or sweep Columbia’s role under the couch, but we all know that the useful fools, er, tools are the first that inner party praetorians start throwing up against the wall when the balloon goes up.

    Which is what we’re seeing here.

    Let Columbia sink. It’s rotten to the core.

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