News Roundup

And to explain today’s front-page advert, then, is this:

...some assistance will be provided to my Readers (of both types) below the fold.  Remember:  it’s for your own good.  And no, there will be no pics of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer swinging from the gallows, you sick bastards.

May as well go with the flow, so to speak:

...and here I thought that pulling out was all part of the show.

...hey, with the cost of stuff nowadays, that’s pretty much all anyone can afford to do.
#CheapEntertainment #FuckJoeBiden

...idiot.  You always play to your marketable strengths.

...or more correctly, what you don’t want.


...imagine what the other two guys’ wives must think.

And in some sex-drenched (but still link-free) 

...welcome to a man’s world, honey.

…*who was it?  Just check the line of succession for the blind guy.



And walking the dog down :

...I’d never heard of her, but I’m clearly out of touch.  Anyway:

Quite toothsome, at 57.

Anyway, as promised, for those dirt-poor folks who don’t want to do drugs, and who want to avoid prostate cancer, some health aids:


Now that the news is done, you know what to do.


  1. The ‘90s sex symbol is Vanessa Angel. The only movie in which I remember her is Kingpin.

  2. This is old news. Years ago in Two and a Half Men, this was discussed and the adult who wasn’t played by Charlie Sheen said something about “Yes, but your wife will object to you doing anything about it.”
    Joe Huffman also mentioned this on his blog a few months ago after his doctor mentioned this. Joe replied that that wasn’t up to him. The doctor, confused asked, who, then. Joe said it was up to “his wife.”

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