1. That liver will be served with fava beans and Chianti, of course.

    The second is, alas, all to frequent in warzones.

  2. The prequel to “Rapes of Wrath” was of course “Gropes of Wrath”


  3. The Lust of the Mohicans

    The Jingle Book

    The Merchant of Penice

    The Wilt Bunch

    Ronald Duck …umm, maybe some other…

    1. The Mild Bunch? Madame Ovary? The Snigger Of The Narcissus? Lord Jam?

  4. Lady Chatterley’s Yeast Infection
    A Tale Of Two Titties
    Alice Does Wonderland
    Moby Dick Pic
    50 Shades of Gray Hair (I noticed my 1st gray hair when I was 16)
    The Mediocre Gatsby
    Of Mice & Mensheviks

    1. Nice, but you missed the “change only one letter” part.
      E.g. Fifty Shades Of Gay.

  5. One letter huh? Howzabout “a tale of two clitties” except that’s two letters.

  6. Ten little sniggers
    The Handmaid’s Tail (yes I know thats two letters)
    Angela’s Lashes
    Angela’s Asses

    On a related note, this is pretty old, but what happens when you replace “wand” with “wang” in the first Harry Potter


  7. The Cunt For Red October
    The Sin Also Rises
    The Pickdick Papers
    Adventures of Fuckleberry Finn

  8. To Rave and Rave Not. It’s about Ecstasy and the Coachella event.

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