News Roundup

Let’s look at some other politically-incorrect news and views, for a change:

Fake News Dept.:

...why fake?  Because handguns are illegal in Britishland, ergo this could not possibly have happened.  Bonus:  Guess The Race.

From the Police Blotter:

...thus ensuring that at least something of the visitor will, indeed, stay in Vegas.

In International News:

...missing those massive contributions from Britishland, are we?

In Medical News:

Time for some Glueball Jewhate News:

...and does Egypt have the equivalent of the Second Amendment? Why no, no it doesn’t, and nor does any other Muslim nation. only quibble with Elon is his using the future tense in that statement.

In the Technology Dept.: I the only one who thinks he’s having some weird reality dislocation here?  Or is it just the morons responsible for the “backlash”?

Science! News:

...same scientists found murdered.

In Nutritional History News:

...”made excellent fish & chips too”, sez Keith Richards;  but as a kid, Willie Nelson preferred it chicken-fried like his Momma made.

Some dispatches from Sex News:

...Rule #1:  Never try to compete with a slut.

And in link-free

...I prefer the old one:  letting her lick the front of your Amex Black Card.

And ending the news on a positive note:

...don’t care about the reason. Here she is:

Nothing wrong with Canuck totty, really, and here’s the Naked News website.

And that’s the end of the (not naked) news.


  1. after watching that Green Africa clip, my reaction was a very long Ralphie from a Christmas Story inspired very long “OOOOOHHHHHH FFUUUUUUUUUUUUUDDDGGGEEE” It was more of a reaction to the ChiComs getting more international influence and yet again they are playing the long game

    1. I think the ChiComs in Africa are to be welcomed. They’re going to find out how well it worked out for the west. The only risk is they may be smart enough not to bring said population into their own borders.

      1. If there are natural resources in Africa that we can use, then we should get involved with a friendly puppet government. If not, they can figure it out themselves

  2. A quarter of the British ambulances are broken – didn’t Elizabeth find someone else to train as a mechanic before she passed on?

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