Reality Check

Prompted by Insty’s article about journalism:

Nobody ever became a journalist in order to become popular. The broad-stroke portrayals in movies and novels taught us, accurately enough, that journalists tend toward the coarse, vulgar, impudent and nosy. For many years, journalists were generally admired for those attributes in the way that the beef butcher is admired for the scars on his hands.

But thanks, in part, to a fall in status, as well as ever-irrational attacks from politicians like Donald Trump, today’s journalists routinely experience ridicule and harassment at public events like rallies and demonstrations. They’re not precisely pariahs in the new environment, but they’re no longer considered heroes in many places. Journalists don’t deserve any special pity, it should be noted. Police officers, teachers and even doctors often suffer more from the slings and arrows of the mob. But for journalists, the fall has been spectacular and seems never-ending.

Oh boo-hoo-hoo.  And:

“Every mainstream media narrative of the last five years has been wrong, if you really think about it, or skewed or morphed into something,” Adam Carolla said. “They’ve been wrong. And not wrong around the edges… there’s always wrong around the edges. They’ve been flat-out fucking wrong about all of it.”

“If you were to talk to some of the people who reported it, they would be confused,” Dr. Pinsky added of journalists who cannot be shamed for their egregious errors.

…so I created this:

Feel free to copy and share.


  1. A growing chunk of the US population is an utter mess.
    Massive fire is probably the only cure.

  2. I believe journalism started circling the drain with the publishing of the Pentagon Papers and the Watergate investigation. Now every journalist sees it as their mission in life to take down anyone on the other side of their political ideology. Iran Contra was yet another problem. Yet Whitewater, FBI file gate, Carter’s entire presidency, the pass that Obama and the Clintons receive on a regular basis and now the Biden Crime family, and more. It’s crystal clear that journalists are nothing more than partisan propagandists. If a media company shows even a smidgen of moderate or even handed reporting, they are deemed right wing extremist and dismissed.

  3. The “What they really are” pic should be monkeys in a cage slinging poo instead.

  4. “The broad-stroke portrayals in movies and novels taught us, accurately enough, that journalists tend toward the coarse, vulgar, impudent and nosy. ”

    Eh, maybe in the 40’s and 50’s. Most journalist may even imagine they channel their inner movie hero when they write another expose on Evil Orange Man.

    In my experience they are more than likely nerds who may still remember how to diagram a sentence. If they are successful, they become well dressed nerds with nice hair.

    They enjoy the protection their press pass affords them to be rather ill behaved. Unlike high school nobody gives them a wedgie or steals their lunch money . That is as long as they don’t do live broadcasts in major cities. The street boyz know a soft target when they see one.

  5. I’d’ve put crayons in the kids hands – even if they are using Ipads or something similar.

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