News Roundup

Let’s talk about something interesting.

...yeah, and when pets, joggers or children start getting eaten, then — aargh, I couldn’t be bothered even talking about this foolishness.

On to The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:

...sounds like an elegant solution to a problem, right there.

...and nobody cares, because CdM is just an excuse for amateurs to wear stupid costumes and drink too much.

...basically, it’s a lab experiment for the U.S., only we’re already doing it bigger and better.

News from The Pulpit:

...and the AP (of course) thinks that this is a Bad Thing.

Then you have what the Catholics would call “the heathens”:

...but if it’s not to Allah, then one of those faiths is gonna kill you, of course.  And speaking of foolishness:

what the hell, they’ve allowed Commies into their clergy, why not the freakos too?  And the final nail in the coffin:

...plans?  I thought that program was pretty much in place already.

And speaking of evil teachers…

In the Dept. of Education:

...gets around, doesn’t she?

Some Pre-Insignifica:

...keyword:  Floriduh.

...when it works on Harvey Weinstein, then she can make that claimUnless, of course, she’s managed to combine the smell of money with the taste of chocolate, in which case all bets are off.

...basically, it’s a Train Smash trifecta:  dubious hairstyle choice, intoxication and a cigarette.

And in even more 


...actually, having the Sun King’s genes splashing around in her DNA pool probably explains a great deal about her.

And in the Who She? Dept.:

...bikini by Shein, lips by Michelin.

And that’s the news.


  1. The ongoing War on White People (Ireland, London, the rest of Europe and the U.S.) depresses the Hell out of me. The subversion of Christianity pisses me off too (and I’m an *atheist*!).

    The 21st Century is going to make the meat-grinder of the 20th look like a walk in the park.

    At least I’ve failed at life, so I don’t have to worry about my non-existent descendants enduring the future I foresee coming. Gotta look for *some* silver lining to that.

  2. The totty at the end isn’t that bad despite the michelin lips. At least she hasn’t got any obtrusive tattoos or body piercings

    Last summer I was visiting relatives in the midwest. I have family that lives in Chicago. My cousin discouraged me from visiting the city of Chicago due to the increasing crime. Unfortunately the folks of Chicago are going to have to learn the hard way that their moonbat, meat headed left wing policies do not create a safe, secure or prosperous society.

    The RC church needs to get rid of Pope Frank. He’s a disaster

  3. Should have put the Cinco de Mayo parade on pay-per-view. I’d pay to see Mexican gangs go up against black gangs. They lose. We win.

    Sex Water cologne – “…Instagram Legend Jenna Berman…” Never heard of her. But I’m not on Instagram or any of Zuckerberg’s data exploitation sites. So she’s a “legend” in a social media site on the World Wide Web… Hmmm. I think someone doesn’t know the meaning of that word.

    Syrian asylum seeker – When Trump takes office again can we start deporting illegals to Rwanda?

    Liberty Poole (real name?!?) etc. Ok, the UK gives us women who buy bikinis that don’t fit, gave us the Page 3 Girl, Benny Hill, and more recently magazines like Zoo and Nuts (go look them up, I’m not telling), but a few years back they wanted nothing to do with Hooters restaurants opening there because they’re sexist. Anyone want to try and give me a rational explaination for this?

    1. You get different opinions depending on whether you ask the guys who can barely afford a few bob for the paper, or can eat out several times a week.

  4. The opening add? I have one of those. Not all that reliable, but then, 100 years old.

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