Not Hotel Fucking California

Via Insty, I see this little story:

Hundreds of California cops are fleeing to Texas to escape ‘soft-on-crime’ policies they say have made their jobs ‘pointless’, can reveal.

Rank-and-file officers up to department chiefs have hit out at state legislators, claiming a succession of ‘anti-law enforcement’ policies have made their work impossible.

Overworked and unsupported, they have instead taken up jobs in Texas and other states that are seen as tough on crime.

Well, if we’re going to have ANY Californians come over here, it might as well be cops…

…as long as they leave their California-law-enforcement attitudes towards guns behind them and act like, say, a country Texas cop from Bastrop, Mineral Wells or somewhere like that, where things like this aren’t eeeeevil.


Otherwise, they can just carry on through Texas and head up north to Illinois.  Oh wait, that’s what they’re trying to get away from.

So come on over, folks, and have some Texas BBQ.  Just behave yourselves, and we’ll get on just fine.

Update:  I see that TxGov Abbott has also got into the spirit of the thing.


  1. Kim,
    This is supposed to be a “summer of fun” here in greater Chicagostan. The CPD manpower numbers are shy by ~2,000 from where the staffing levels should be. See “Second City Cop” blog .. plenty of posts about this. Hizzonor Mayor Brandon “panic-attack conehead” Johnson and his progressive policies are an abject failure, and he’s only held the position for about a year. Crime in Chicagostan always goes up over the summer. And we’ve got pro-Palestinian protests all over the metro area, not just on/near the college campuses. Oh, and let’s not forget this summer’s crown jewel .. the 2024 DNC convention in August. I hope the city’s got places set aside to stack all the bodies. And let’s top that off with the 2nd annual iteration of the NASCAR street race.
    I’m sitting back with my bucket of virtual popcorn. This promises to be quite a show.
    – Brad

    1. ” I hope the city’s got places set aside to stack all the bodies.”

      From your mouth, etc. etc.

  2. The problem I have is that someone may be a rock solid conservative by “California standards”, but once they show up here we all find out that they are still heavily liberal by “Texas standards”. I’d just as soon they stay in Cali and try to clean up their own mess rather than coming here. Being cops don’t make them any more special than every other single Californian who comes here and drives up property values while complaining that it ain’t like home.

  3. “Otherwise, they can just carry on through Texas and head up north to Illinois.”

    Sure we can’t just send Texas prickster and his minions?

    I hear y’all like to hunt pigs and harvesting those fucks would be a win-win for everyone.

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