Quote Of The Day

From uber-feminist Petronella Wyatt, talking about feminism and its aftermath:

“One in ten British women in their 50s has never married and lives alone, which is neither pleasant nor healthy.”

That’s probably because one in ten women (of whatever nationality) is neither pleasant nor healthy herself.  And that rather modest ratio skyrockets if you consider just the feministicals, who are mostly scolds and harridans.

No man should, despite their mid-life realizations and wails.


  1. I seem to recall someone once saying “some women deserve to be single”.

  2. I’m not surprised. I fail to see why any man gets married anymore and it’s not difficult to see why. If it flies, floats, or fucks, RENT it.

  3. You have a bit of a theme going today!

    There are a lot of women out there like her. I am in my 50s and was in the dating scene a little while back. I met and dated several of these same women. No kids, a career, some had been married, many had not. They wanted a partner for the rest of their life – but had absolutely no idea how to do it, and they didn’t have the capability to learn. Ms. Wyatt recognizes the folly of her ways – but I bet she’s unwilling to truly discard many of the core beliefs that have been pounded into her. Speaking of pounding, I found that these women were usually still fairly attractive, most had good bodies (no kids, remember?), and that they were easy lays. But beyond that, they were still so far up their own asses that they will die alone with their cats and a box of wine.

    Ironically enough, there are a number of single women in their 40s and 50s who are exactly the opposite. Became stay at home moms (or worked part time jobs), raised a family, and gaze longingly at the “career” that they left in the dust. So, they divorce their husband, figure out that it’s too late for them to embark on their career, and they too are drifting aimlessly through life. Hell, you’ll see some of each type of woman in the same group having themselves a ‘wine night.’ All of them secretly wishing that George Clooney would show up and sweep them off their high heeled feet.

    The most well-adjusted women that I met (and the one that I landed with) are the ones who got married, had kids, had a career that wasn’t necessarily aimed at ruthlessly climbing the ladder, and had a marriage that came apart for whatever reason. They understood both sides of the equation. And most biased toward being a mom. They understand how to have their own identity and their own power, but also how to respect the identity and power of the man they are with. Makes for a pretty damn nice situation.

    Other than Gloria Steinem, the leaders of feminism were painfully unattractive and unpleasant, and had serious mental issues. Women like Ms. Wyatt are their legacy.

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