News Roundup

Let’s look at some other politically-incorrect news and views, for a change:

Fake News Dept.:

...why fake?  Because handguns are illegal in Britishland, ergo this could not possibly have happened.  Bonus:  Guess The Race.

From the Police Blotter:

...thus ensuring that at least something of the visitor will, indeed, stay in Vegas.

In International News:

...missing those massive contributions from Britishland, are we?

In Medical News:

Time for some Glueball Jewhate News:

...and does Egypt have the equivalent of the Second Amendment? Why no, no it doesn’t, and nor does any other Muslim nation. only quibble with Elon is his using the future tense in that statement.

In the Technology Dept.: I the only one who thinks he’s having some weird reality dislocation here?  Or is it just the morons responsible for the “backlash”?

Science! News:

...same scientists found murdered.

In Nutritional History News:

...”made excellent fish & chips too”, sez Keith Richards;  but as a kid, Willie Nelson preferred it chicken-fried like his Momma made.

Some dispatches from Sex News:

...Rule #1:  Never try to compete with a slut.

And in link-free

...I prefer the old one:  letting her lick the front of your Amex Black Card.

And ending the news on a positive note:

...don’t care about the reason. Here she is:

Nothing wrong with Canuck totty, really, and here’s the Naked News website.

And that’s the end of the (not naked) news.

En Passant

In yesterday’s funnies I featured a meme which contained the following pic:

Am I the only guy who hates this “style” with a passion?  It’s a modern one — it certainly doesn’t appear in any art or photographs before the 20th century — and I can only think that whoever first came up with it must have hated women, a lot.

Missing: Self-Respect

Dalrymple talks about how everyone’s all concerned about self-esteem, but completely lacking in self-respect.

Not only do people fail to make the most of themselves, they seem determined to make the worst of themselves, as if they were setting a challenge to others not to remark on them or pass a judgment about the way they look.

Actually, it’s worse than that. People are so caught up in their self-esteem that they think it’s more important than self-respect — in other words, that how they feel about themselves is more important than how others feel about them, and missing the point that both are important.

T.D. talks about clothing:

In England, fat young women (of whom there are lamentably many) squeeze themselves into unbecomingly tight costumes, like toothpaste into a tube. It is as if they were intimidating you into not noticing how hideous they look.

Well, yes;  it’s the classic mark of the narcissist.  And that attitude is just as prevalent in these here United States.

Look, I understand all that:  goths, hippies, biker gangs, Mods ‘n Rockers (yeah, I’m dating myself badly here) and all the so-called fashion trends that bedevil every generation.

All of them, however, have one thing in common:  they denote that the wearers are societal misfits.

Since I passed the age of adolescence, where such nonsense was important, I’ve always had one or the other of these self-imposed restraints on myself whenever I leave the house:  would my Mom / wife / grandfather be ashamed to be seen in public with me, dressed as I am? 

If the answer is even marginally “yes”, I change my outfit.

And quite frankly, if there’s anyone who doesn’t give a rat’s ass what anyone thinks of me, that would be me.  But I care, deeply, about what my close family and -friends think of me, and that reflects itself in many aspects of not only my dress but also in my behavior.

Alone with my male buddies, I’m a total lout.  In polite company, I’m a different person altogether.

It is the habit of a lifetime, drilled into me by parents, boarding school, the army and wives;  and frankly, I’m too old to change my ways now.

In a business setting, for example, I’m always well-dressed (suit, tie, polished shoes and all that) and likewise groomed (neat hair, trimmed beard, clean-shaven and nice-smelling).

So when I go to a company and see a bunch of men with scraggly beards, clothing which looks like they were slept in and with body odor to gag a vulture, I honestly don’t care about their self-esteem;  I just find them repulsive — and no matter what, I can’t take them seriously.

Judgmental?  You bet your fucking life I am.

Quote Of The Day

Seen SOTI, addressed to all the pro-Hamas campers on college campuses:

Of course, that’s assuming that all the pro-Hamas protesters were students — which they weren’t.

Monday Funnies

What does Monday mean, again?  Oh yeah, it’s back to work time:

So to take the rough edges off the day:

And on that saintly note, some not-very-saintly totty:

Now off to work you go.  Just don’t forget your clothes: