Our Northern Neighbor

Here’s an interesting story:

Canadian Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre was booted from the House of Commons for the day on Tuesday after a heated exchange where he refused the House Speaker’s request that he remove from the record his comment calling Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a “wacko” and “extremist.”

So much for that “parliamentary privilege” thing in Fidel Trudeau’s Canukistan, eh?

Firstly, under parliamentary privilege, the House Speaker can only “deplore” or “censure” scurrilous language — expulsion for expressing an opinion is strictly disallowed in a parliamentary setting — and secondly, even without parliamentary rule, it’s an abridgement of the politician’s freedom of speech.  (I know, I know:  foolish Kim for believing that such things still exist.)

I guess none of that applies anymore in Castro Country.

Another Lone Asshole

From a while back, this bitter meme:

“If Guns Are Outlawed, Can We Use Swords?”

…and of course, privately-owned guns being banned in formerly-Great Britain, some scrote did exactly that.

Sadly, he was only Tasered and arrested as opposed to being summarily shot by the Britcops:

…they being the only  ones allowed to have guns, begging the question:  “What’s the point of giving the cops guns when they’re not going to use them appropriately?”

Oh, wait:  the rozzers who showed up didn’t have guns, nor even the proper gear to deal with said asshole.

Next up:  a sword ban, followed by large kitchen knives, followed by any pointy- or bladed objects, then cricket/baseball bats… and following the thing to its logical absurdity, a ban on clenching a hand into a fist.

You saw it here first.

Always The Assholes

Driving around this part of north Texas, I often see bumper stickers that proclaim allegiance to FJB, Beto, Teh Planet etc.  (Not that it matters much:  Trump 59%, Biden 41%.)

While I am admittedly  triggered thereby, the trigger just manifests itself into a shake of the head, or maybe even a muttered “What an asshole”, said under my breath.

Why then, when someone who is not of the Leftist persuasion posts up a similar message of support for their side, Lefty assholes are so often triggered into violence and/or property damage?

A 63-year-old leftist from Syracuse, New York, has been arrested in Florida after being accused of keying a pickup truck with a “Let’s Go Brandon” sticker that provoked his ire.

And yeah, he looks like an old retired hippie, quelle surprise.

The only good part of the story — other than him being found out and arrested, that is — is that his wife apparently had a go at him for his stupidity… at having been caught, is my guess, rather than for the deed itself.

Fucking trash.