1. She just threatened to start a civil war if Bai-Den doesn’t win.


  2. Her sentence was so stupid it made my eyeballs go haywire for a couple seconds. She’s too retarded for her own good.

  3. To say this woman is batsh!t crazy is to cast ill light on bat guano.

    Anybody with half a brain knows that the night of November 5th is gonna make the BLM riots look like a BBQ. Stock up lads, its gonna get worse before it gets better.

  4. Kathy Griffin like most of her ilk is nuttier than squirrel turds.

    We can change your minds by using reason, logic, facts and the historical record or we can use vitamin Pb. Choose wisely Kathy.

  5. Personally, I think she’s hoping for a hate fuck line to form so she’ll get a little man plungin’.

    She ain’t gonna get it with that mouth.

  6. Oh, that woman is actually further around the bend than I gave her credit for (and I gave her plenty of credit). Can she actually think the proglodytes will win a civil war?!?

    Nope. The left will encourage rioting and burn their own blue cities to the ground, while we watch on TV with a bowl of popcorn and a beverage or two, or three… If and when refugees start streaming from the burned out cities, then we’ll break out the guns and ammo and tell them to move along, they aren’t setting up here. If they haven’t learned anything from the riot season of 2020, we have.

    1. I’m not going to indulge in any beverages with effects on my motor skills. If this mess comes to my street I am going to need a clear mind and steady hands.

      1. the nice thing about Manhattan is that it is an island and securing the bridges and tunnels works both ways. I wish all cities were islands

      2. I didn’t say adult beverage. I too will need a clear head and steady hands when they come streaming south out of Chicago.

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