Avoiding That Inconvenient History Stuff

The Catholic sent me this example of people with a chronic case of cranial-rectal insertion:

The heroics of HMS Black Joke, a Royal Navy clipper that waged a fearless five-year war to put an end to the slave trade, are worthy of a Hollywood action movie.

She was once a slave ship herself, sailing under the Brazilian flag and known as the Henriqueta. But when the British captured her in 1827, this brave little vessel was transformed into the scourge of mercenary slavers who traded in human beings.

Her crew took unimaginable risks to hunt down Spanish and Portuguese ships and free the men, women and children crammed below decks in conditions of horrific misery.

Read the whole thing, and then its dolorous conclusion.

I would suggest a public whipping for the entire group of decision-makers, just to give them a taste of what HMS Black Joke saved so many people from.

That, or just a simple hanging for the lot of them.

But no doubt that would make me a violent racist hater, or something.


  1. They’d probably enjoy the whippings, sounds like a crowd that goes into self-flagellation. Probably the same type of asshats who wear “so sorry” tee-shirts and wear fake chains on their annual pilgrimage to Haiti.

    And remember, the narrative must be maintained – White Men bad, all minorities good. Always. Without exception. Never mind all the wars White Men waged to end slavery and preserve freedom. Never mind the billions of dollars taxed from White Men’s salaries to support the poor minorities. Never mind the crime and damage to Western Civilization that White Men built. This age of victimhood is so depressing. SMOD should do us all a favor and get here quickly.

  2. put the statue up and remove the current decision makers who have obstructed this project.

    When people go bananas over slavery, they get very quiet when it is pointed out to the that one, slavery occurred in almost every society for centuries or longer and secondly it was Western Civilization and its roots in Christianity that abolished slavery well before any other culture even thought of abolition. Thirdly, in the US it was the Republican Party that was founded upon the plank of abolition of slavery and works hard over the past 170 years or so to abolish slavery and ensure civil rights to all Americans. the left gets very quiet after that.

  3. Just another front in the War on White People. They won’t be happy until we’re extinct.

    They might not enjoy the consequences of our extinction, but they’ll blame us for *that* too.

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