Passing Thought

Did anyone notice that after the disgraceful conviction of Donald Trump, there were no street protests, burning of buildings and howling mobs besieging the home of the awful judge who caused the conviction?

I guess all those right-wing domestic terrorists and Christian Nationalists the FBI warned us about were still asleep or at breakfast or something.


  1. There’s a meme that’s been running around the past few days pointing this out. Its caption says something like “Did you notice that rather than rioting and destroying cities we instead raised $55 million for his re-election campaign? We are not the same!”

  2. I think the regime hopes for that, because they desperately want us to get violent so they can start rounding us up, declare martial law, postpone the election … who knows what? But that’s not how we roll. I fully expect some false flag operations by the Stasi, trying to set things off. I believe they are actually flummoxed by why we haven’t started the party yet.


  3. That’s because we have lives to run and jobs to do and families to lead. We will continue to do that regardless of any criminal enterprise that tries to impose it’s criminal diktates on us.

    1. Yeah, same here. Got a job, a family, a mortgage, etc. Can’t risk all that to travel from Tx to NY for protesting, especially as any arrest would play hell with my career since I need security clearance just to enter the office.

  4. Not sure what that says about the “right-wing domestic terrorist” and “Christian Nationalists”. What would be the straw that breaks the camel’s back?

    1. I thought the Kelo decision from SCOTUS would have kicked things off decades ago. I was wrong

  5. What good has all the rioting and burning of stuff done for the people who did it?

    Yeah, it’s helped out the Socialist party, but how has it helped *the people*.

    It hasn’t.

    Giving money to Trump’s re-election campaign is the most effective form of protest there is.

  6. “I guess all those right-wing domestic terrorists and Christian Nationalists the FBI warned us about were still asleep or at breakfast or something.”

    Or at work.

    1. Yeah, it’s off to the gun-shop every morning – well, except for Sunday and Monday.
      Even Merchants of Death try to keep regular hours.

  7. Yeah, I don’t think Bass Pro Shop is worried about looting

    And, yes, we aren’t the same as them

  8. “Not showing up for the riot is a failed conservative policy.”
    Kathy Shaidle (I think)

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