Modus Operandi, or S.O.P.

From Steve Kruiser:

Attorney General Merrick Garland spent some time Capitol Hill on Tuesday, sparring with Republicans who, once again, were expressing their extreme displeasure with the way he does business but not really doing anything about it.

Yeah well, “expressing extreme displeasure but not really doing anything about it”  are the actual lyrics from the Battle Hymn Of The Republic[an Party].

Put another way:  the Democrat Socialists are driving the country towards the precipice, while the Republicans are timidly asking them to please apply the brakes now and again, but not too hard.

Useless bunch of eunuchs.

S.O.P. — Standard Operating Procedure.  Or Stupid Old Party.  Take your pick.


  1. The national train is headed for Perdition.
    The Democrats want the train to get into Pandemonium station by 13:00 hours.
    The Republicans prefer it not arrive until 17:00 because they’ve been promised the leftovers from lunch and drinks in the dining car.

  2. All politicians – all – are in office because they are part ot the infinitesimal fraction of the population that want to be in office.

    Draft legislators. It’s the democratic way.

  3. The Republican party is the complicit junior partner in the post-constitutional order, willing accomplices to the Democrats who are the main architects and builders.

    They are not the answer, and neither is any third party.

    We’re not voting our way out of this. At most, we’re delaying the innevitable fall.

  4. RINOs and the Commies gotta go. Every last one of them and if they get dressed in tar and feather then so much the better

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