News Roundup

So let’s untether the news.

...what’s that, Lassie?  Pigs flying overhead?’s a newsflash for that 80%:  takeout food has ALWAYS been a luxury.

And in the People’s Soviet of Kalifornia: how’s that $20/hour wage thing working, then?  And speaking of failures:

...hey, if Americans aren’t going to buy our shitty Duracell Cadillacs, we’ll just flog them to gullible Brits.

In Glueball JewHate News:

...dkfiem dmrk mgfrdw gymjxd  (sorry, can’t type when I’m laughing hysterically).

...note to the Muzzies:  when you’ve lost the Germans, you’re in big trouble.

...I wonder exactly how many Izzies have visited the Maldives in the past ten years… oh, none?  Talk about a painless gesture.

...and we’ll feed your rotting corpses to pigs.  Fair deal?

And in The Great Cultural Assimilation Project© comes this:

(oh… Venezuelan, not Mexican.  Sorry for the confusion.)

...well, except for the fact that the Izzies were going back to their homeland instead of fleeing it, Il Papa has it absolutely correct.  You know, if this fucking moron can’t get the Bible straight...

And in Furrin Election News:

...just as long as they don’t start assassinating Austrian politicians again, we’ll all be good.

And on to


And in :

...we saw this curry-flavored totty not long ago on these pages, but sometimes repetition can be A Good Thing, yes?


And just one flashback pic to when Our Padma was still a sprightly youngster of 40:

And that’s the end of it all.


  1. Sexual peak at 53? Sorry, not buying it. If any man had the choice of 53 year old Padme or magically boinking 23 year old Padme, 99% of the men out there would choose the 23 version. Of course there’s the GILF 1%, but still. I enjoy sex with my wife who’s 56, but it ain’t like what we were doing 30+ years ago. Face it, we all peaked years ago. Still, enjoy it while you can.

    1. Maybe she was frigid in her 20s.
      Salman Rushdie certainly thought so ‘cos he divorced her.

      1. Miss 53 yr old curry vag became persona non grata for me when she started stumping for the ACLU. Zero interest. Full stop.

      2. For every available woman, somewhere out there is a guy who’s tired of her shit.

        And vice versa, most likely.

  2. Sexual peak at 53 = use it up before it gets any older looking and nobody wants it.

  3. She’s been living off her looks for more than 30 years and despite hitting the wall years ago, she can still make money for her lingerie business by flashing the goods at 53. More power to her.
    Judging by that Daily Mail article she’s also positioning her very cute and very underage daughter (whelped when Padme was nearly 40) for the same career path, which is somewhat less admirable.
    And what the hell is that in her left armpit? A goiter? It’s probably curry-flavored.

  4. Pro-Hamas Agitators Crash and Block
    Philly Pride Parade While Confronting
    Angry LGBTQ Marchers

    On the one hand, I’m glad to see some indication that the LGBT crowd recognize that Hamas would kill them. On the other hand, this bunch on ninnies are probably mostly exercised that another bunch of ninnies were trying to steal the spotlight. On the gripping hand, I don’t suppose we could pave over the lot.

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