Today’s Quiz

Look closely at this picture:

One of these people pinned one of the others to the ground and held a knife to their throat.

Which one held the knife?

Why, it was the groom, of course — the undone tie is an excellent predictor — and the one he pinned to the ground would be his unfortunate bride, not the mother-in-law.

Then again, they’re all Scottish, so no doubt it will just be dismissed as “Highland foreplay”.


  1. I don’t understand why his wife wanted to see what the outside world was all about. He had such a promising career ahead of him as the Fuel Attendant for the other 160 people on the wind swept 20 square mile island surrounded by 40 degree water. Or maybe when you live on small cold island of multi generational inbred gingers it’s a little more volatile than she wanted.

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