So, in that spirit:
...keyword: Russia. Turn them Russki chicks down at your peril.
In other news:
...that’ll teach him to start talking sense instead of Party dogma.
...following rumors that he’d got his hands on the Epstein Client List.
...which won’t happen, of course. Not that the silly bitch doesn’t deserve some kind of censure, that is.
And in The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:
...hold on, I’m looking around for Sarah Hoyt’s shocked face.
How about some Freak News: what way, “harmful” — I mean, what kind of snowflakes are trying to pass themselves off as Olympic athletes here? the surprise of absolutely nobody. Eat some steak, you fucking freaks.
...wait, you mean lesbians want actual women, and not dickless men? Guess they’re not interested in that inverted Crying Game thing.
And speaking of cows:
...charge: “Causing premature death to veal producer.”
In Medical News:
And now for some
... how dare you set such archaic rules for your barely-of-age daughter?
...newsflash: healthy, athletic and wealthy young men pull beautiful chicks.
And that’s all the news fit to play with.
Ok – Once again the liberal use of UK slang in insignifica sent me down a rabbit hole.. in case anyone else is as much a hick as me:
layby: not a sexual position (as far as I wanted to google it on my semi-work computer) but a pull off, like under a bridge.. where you go for a pull off so to speak.
wine range: “range” here has nothing to do with where you go to sight in your pew pew. It means “collection” – as in a line of products.. like the great line that Palmetto offers in all kinds of reasonably priced firearms.. thanks Kim for turning me on to them. Also am I the only one that could see Dolly opening a range where they also had wine tastings with the empties being used as targets? Probably would not be approved by most zoning boards.
Wilkommen: German for welcome.. like all German the unnecessary extra consonants are there just to make them feel they are SO superior to every other language. Also don’t google this.. it leads to a rather disturbing 1972 Cabaret german gay singing.. No and No!
WAGS: A rather clever acronym for Wives (or Women) and Girlfriends.. presumably not at the same gathering. I suspect that the Today reference I found modified it from “Women” to “Wives” as it would be so politically incorrect to talk about slags being in the “family” boxes – pun intended. But I could be wrong.
See, that’s one of the many features of this here back porch of mine: it broadens your horizons, makes you more “cosmopolitan”, and extends your vocabulary.
Also beautiful guns, cars and women; but you knew that already.
Kim, you’re right about the guns cars and women but you pushed the pendulum the other way in the other posting with pictures of Schumer and DiFi. If I wanted “fair and balanced” Id watch Fox. ::eye cross::
warning to the men in Germany, you have to be well tanned to ride a Kardashian. Since Bruce became Caitlyn, it has become unanimous that no one in that family wants a white penis
Next week: lesbian women up in arms because dating app falsely flags them as transgender!
As someone with prostate issues I’m not seeing the issues here. I recently wrote to my GP about what I was experiencing, we had a telephone conversation and then an in-person meeting where he adjusted my prescription. I wasn’t in immediate danger so there was no need for urgency. And when I was in need – a nasty reaction to the new medicine just yesterday – I was seen almost immediately.
On a previous occasion this resulted in an amusing conversation when they insisted I go through a telephone triage and I couldn’t make it home so stayed in the surgery waiting room: “Where are you now?” “Right outside your office door.” I was, of course, seen immediately thereafter.
Heart deaths linked to fake meat.
I fail to see the problem.
Harry and Megan having problems? (And not just the usual rumor-mill rumbles to promote tabloid sales?)
Well, Harry, Grammy tried to warn you…
Given the UK’s, and especially the NHS’s, financial woes, why any Brit should expect anything other than putting off early detection programs is beyond me. It’s far cheaper for them to let you get to a serious advanced stage of cancer before diagnosis, so they can say you’re too far gone, and put you on palliative care, or better yet the Liverpool pathway. Not to mention how much it saves the state in pension payments.
Cynical? Who, me?