Wrong Word, Used Stupidly

I’ve come to the point where unless the word “equity” is used in a financial sense — e.g. the increase in your house’s value = higher equity in your personal financial value — I see the word (especially when applied in a social context) and just know what follows is going to be utter bullshit.

Hence this crappy piece of “research” at Tufts University which, as Glenn pointed out, loses me at the “health equity” phrase right there in its sub-head:

American Diets Have a Long Way To Go To Achieve Health Equity

Au fond, its underlying supposition is racist — i.e. that the underclass (specifically, the Black population) — is at greater risk because their diet choices are “bad”.

“Oh noes, Kim,”  you say, “that’s not what they’re implying at all!”

Really?  Here’s the pic at the top of the piece:

In an even bigger tell, note that the proffered plate of (yummy!) food is being held in a White hand, the implication being, of course, that Whitey is driving Blacks to make poor dietary choices.

As a piece of racial propaganda, I can hear Josef Goebbels applauding in the background.

If Black people want true “health equity” with White people — i.e. improve their mortality rate — they should ignore bullshit like this article, eat whatever they want to eat, and instead quit letting their kids kill each other in the inner cities.


  1. Funny how that word “equity” never gets used when folks discuss the death penalty for murderers.

  2. If Black people want true “health equity” with White people — i.e. improve their mortality rate — they should ignore bullshit like this article, eat whatever they want to eat, and instead quit letting their kids kill each other in the inner cities.

    Oh, no, Kim! That’s too much like personal responsibility.

  3. I see. So it’s whypipo’s fault blacks have bad diets.

    I watched a documentary sometime back where some black dude’s dad died, and he made this long stupid correlation to how whites caused his dad to die of a heart attack.

    The old man was an auto worker. Retired. Had a crappy diet, as many men that era did. Retired, but kept eating and drinking like he did when he was working. Had a heart attack and died.
    Completely unremarkable. He went through this whole thing about how they fed the slaves such a rich diet to get work out of them, and blacks simply kept it up after they were freed. Sure. A completely opposite take from the previous stories they’d tell – slaves were starved and abused by massa.

    Then he went into the ‘food desert’ in most cities is whitey’s fault. Even though the bodega owner told him no one would buy the produce, and they’d steal it.

    Every black guy I’ve known/worked with had a horrible diet. Lot of fat, carbs, and sugary soft drinks.

  4. Considering how the word “equity” is commonly used today, I try to respond with “no thank you” but it usually comes out as “Fuck you” or “Eat Shit and Die Motherfucker, stronger message to follow.”

    You’re absolutely right that if minorities want health equity that they should stop murdering and attacking each other as well as stop using dangerous street drugs.

  5. The real shocker is that that burger and fries is probably healthier than all the protein shakes, soy lattes, vegan meat replacers and other highly processed junk “health food” the average white 25 year old stuffs away.

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