Wait, I thought it was always Black people forced into doing the cleaning… or have I been lied to? Anyway:
From the Police Blotter (NYC Division):
...of course he did; they’re not Republicans, are they?
In Parish Notes (Islam Division):
From The Great Cultural Assimilation Project©:
...and for a bonus, he came in (illegally) through their Ukranian refugee program. Also:
...for those people who’ve been in a coma for the past ten years. And back Over Here:
...here’s a suggestion for his 17th:
...anyone getting sick of this? I’m not.
...sorry, but we’re running low on avgas, thanks to FJB.
And the final word on this topic:
And speaking of someone who should be tossed out of a helicopter:
...is she threatening us, or just harking back to all the violence (but not murders) the last time Trump won in November? Anyway as I recall, it was her crowd doing all the violence.
And that’s not all #OrangeManBadTweeter is going to do:
...when did Fauxcahantas become Nostradamus?
And moving on with some
...uphold the family tradition and have his sister-in-law die in a car “accident”?
...huh? Let’s remind ourselves who we’re talking about, here:
Way too skinny for my taste, but surely there’s someone…
And on that despairing note, we end the news.
The advantage of pikes for impalement is that they can be reused so the Greens might get onboard with that, both literally and figuratively.
Make Eisenhower’s “operation wetback” a reality again. We can address visas as well but first we need to deport the criminal migrants and the dreamers. Sorry kids but your parents really fucked you over by bringing you here as young children. Blame them since they broke the law.
These DAs who drop charges on the BLM, antifa and other terrorist supporters need to get impaled too. Their little terrorists need to go to jail. It’s just Democrats supporting lawlessness again.
Maxine Waters calling for violence and LIar Watha lying about everything are just standing headlines.
Teri Hatcher has been easy on the eyes for a long time.
Like the meme says…
First, they came for the Communists
And I did nothing
Because I was fueling the helicopters
Hatcher is a looker and age appropriate, but the facial expressions in all but one of those photos says what the problem is.
I also don’t have the finances to make the other expression happen.
Mass deportations need to happen. Operation Wetback on steroids. Come to the U.S. illegally again and you can not only forget any chance at citizenship, but you’ll get no freebies – no EBT cards, no hotels or apartment blocks taken over to house them etc. Just a coupla square meals a day and a line of porta-potties near the tents you stay in while waiting for the bus to the border. Violent criminals will do time, then get sent back. Rape and murder will carry the death penalty. And pass a law – no more anchor babies. The U.S. is one of the few countries to allow it.
Mexico won’t like it, but tough shit. They allowed all the traffic south to north, they can put up with all the return traffic north to south.
ANNNDD for some good news, Louisiana Governor signs bill allowing for surgical castration of pedophile rapists.
Lawsuit filed by the usual suspects in three, two, one….
Man, I feel old because that Electrolux is exactly the same as the one we had when I was a kid. My mom swore by that brand and had several of those overpriced things over the years.
Now Terri Hatcher? I have different tastes than Kim when it comes to the size of my favorite women, and I find Terri’s body to be positively drool worthy. As always, though, and as has been alluded to here, a Hollywood mindset would have to make her exceedingly dreary.
I don’t think Mr. Harrelson’s news is ‘insignifica’; I also refuse of have a cell phone. I have an iPad for most of what people do with their super phones, and have no desire to be on call for every Tom, Dick, and Harry 24/7/365. The etiquette of cell phones simply hasn’t developed enough. People seem to feel they have the right to call you whenever the mood strikes them.
For a while I worked in a cigar store that – very sensibly – didn’t want us making or taking personal calls on the clock. I had a young colleague who had so much trouble getting his friends to absorb this idea that he had programmed his phone to text anyone who called him during work hours “What part of ‘I’m at work’ didn’t you understand?”
One day he came in and told me that his mother was furious about that. She hadn’t called with any emergency; she just wanted to talk and thought that should take precedence.
No cell phone.
FWIW – my humble suggestion to solve the crime wave perpetrated by illegal invaders is simple.
Perps are caught, linked incontrovertibly (rape evidence etc.) to the victim, given an immediate trial with jurors drawn from the parish/country/town the event occurred.
Their court assigned lawyer (must speak only English and will transact only in that language) will be appointed at random from law practices in the parish/county/town of the victim.
If found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, they will be walked directly to jail and held in isolation until the gibbet is erected. At noon on the following Saturday, perp will be executed by public hanging, by the neck till dead, a member of the deceased victim’s family doing the honors (or delegating same as may warrant).
This shall be televised and/or live streamed to all domestic/international news feeds.
Body to be cremated and ashes placed in the county dump.
Before all the libs start screaming about due process, guess what boyos, US citizens, legal residents and visitors legally entered (for up to 90 days) are owed “due process” under the Constitution, illegal invaders get just one shot at it with judge and jury, a far better courtesy than the perps ever afforded their victim(s).
Want to place bets on how quickly the illegal criminal problem would diminish after oh. say the first 500 or so televised events?
And to those who like the “Pinochet” solution, no! Not for America. Keep it local, you do not want to delegate this power to the government because they have clearly shown that they cannot be trusted with such.
…anyone getting sick of this? I’m not.
I’m sick that it is not the program currently in place to deal with this problem once and for all.