Too Polite By Half

Here’s a story which is quite heartening:

The people in question are with the American Accountability Foundation in Kentucky, and they are busily engaged in a project that I’ve been hoping to see all throughout the current presidential campaign. Tom Jones of the AAF received a $100,000 grant from the Heritage Foundation to do some important research work. They are poring through the backgrounds of federal workers, starting with the Department of Homeland Security. They are checking public comments and social media posts, looking for swamp dwellers who may be opposed to the policies of Donald Trump should he return to office next year. They plan to publish a list of as many as 100 names later this summer, and those people may have to rethink their future career prospects if Trump returns to the White House.

There are, however, a couple of things which make me do a Lemon Face.  Firstly, while “accountability” is all well and good, what I’d really like to see is some kind of awful consequences for the disloyal (and perhaps criminal and treasonous both) government stooges, especially those who proudly proclaimed that they were doing their best to undermine the Republican administration.

I’ve always said that the State Department implements the foreign policy of the Democratic Party, regardless of which party is in power.  It’s a mordant comment, good for an amused smile, perhaps.

The time for that accommodation is over, or should be.

Just as Trump came to power in 2016 with a pre-vetted list of federal judges ready to be nominated and sworn in, I want him to arrive in the Oval Office in 2025 with a similar list of judges, to be sure — but with another list of Swamp apparatchiks who need, at best to lose their jobs, but preferably with some kind of legal censure — e.g. prosecution — and not just the prospect of losing their little place at the poxy government trough.

That little totalitarian cocksucker Anthony Fauci, for example, needs to spend his last years on earth in some dank federal prison for causing — and admitting he caused — untold harm to American society by his actions as a federal employee.  And he’s just the most egregious example.  There are a lot more than “100 names” who need to be kicked out of government and punished for their disgusting behavior.  Losing one’s job is a pointless “punishment” if all it means is a well-paid talking-head job on NBC or any of the other alphabet soup socialist-supporting media companies.  These bastards need to be punished.  At the very least, they should forfeit their government pensions:  they abused their positions, and don’t deserve to reap any benefits.

I know, I know:  this is not a good precedent to set because it will make people leery of working on government.  That, my friends, is a feature and not a bug.

What I’d like to see in Trump’s very first week as POTUS is a head-of-state summit with Argentina’s Javier Milei, both as an amicable confirmation of shared principle, and an exchange of ideas as to implementation of policy.

It appears that the Socialists — people like Kathy Griffin, Joy Behar and Rachel Maddow — are scurrying around like frightened mice at the prospect of Trump throwing people in jail when he comes to power.  I would advise Trump and his advisors to do precisely that;  just not to waste time with irrelevant nonentities like the above harpies, but to get serious with the actual bad agents like James Clapper, the entire upper management of the Justice Department and the Pentagon, and the authors of this documentfor starters.  The State Department, EPA and so on can wait until Year Two of the 47th President’s term.

We don’t need an accounting;  we demand a reckoning.


  1. And yet we all know that Trump won’t do squat. I’ll vote for him, but I don’t expect miracles. I don’t expect justice. I don’t even expect common sense. I just hope things get worse a little more slowly than they would under a 2nd Biden (4th Obama) term.

  2. Hear Hear !
    I second your motion, all those in favor say Aye!
    The ditches and palisades have already been constructed in preparation for the Donald’s second assault, however.

  3. This is an area where one needs to be very careful not to criminalize legitimate differences in policy positions.

    Which is what the very next Democrat president will do if Trump brings up a bunch of apparatchiks up on charges.

    And while I would like to see Fauci swing, I’m not sure what law he actually broke. It’s not illegal for a government official to lie to the American Public, and I’m not sure that he ever lied under oath.

    We have awful, awful people running our government, but as the Colorado Republican party shows, given a list a mile long of things people across the board actually care about–immigration, inflation, crime, etc. etc. all the idiot Republicans will want to talk about Pride Flags and abortion.

    1. “It’s not illegal for a government official to lie to the American Public, and I’m not sure that he ever lied under oath.”

      Uh, not sure where you got that info. Every federal civil servant has “a responsibility to the United States Government and its citizens to place loyalty to the Constitution, laws and ethical principles above private gain.” That’s in the CFR and has been for decades. Furthermore, all SES employees (of which I was one), have very strict guidelines of conduct and ethics, with very severe punishment. The problem is, as long has you’re on the right side, there’s no fear of conviction, let alone investigation or charging. Fauci lied repeatedly under oath, as even a cursory examination of the historical events would support.

      1. Hit send too soon.

        Falsification (lying) and lack of candor (omission) are both punishable offenses in FEDCO. Low level employees always claim ignorance (didn’t understand the question) and high level employees always claim “I believed that to be true at the time.” If they say anything at all. Generally, their union rep (at taxpayer expense) or lawyer does all the talking and usually throws in some shady reference to “retaliation”, “persecution with racial overtones” and the fan favorite, “he said, she said.”

        I worked for the IG as a external fraud investigator. Finding the fraud wasn’t hard, but there’s a severe lack of leadership on the charging and prosecution of same at the federal level. Federal prosecutors don’t get to be federal judges by charging out civil servants. There’s no money it it.

        1. Who do they work for anyway? Where does the money come from that eventually goes into their paychecks?
          They are OUR damn employees, no ifs, ands or buts.

  4. I agree completely but the list is going to be in the tens of thousands.

    I’d like to see Trump add an entity to the DOJ to prosecute states who have trampled on our rights to keep and bear arms.

    I’d also like to see all funding stopped to colleges and universities who ban or prohibit conservative speakers from speaking on campus.

    I’d like to see DOJ prosecute the DAs who drop charges against the BLM, antifa and arab terrorists and their supporters.

    Drain the swamp

  5. Don’t just drain the swamp, please. Drain it then take M1271 ninefield cleaners through what’s left, so the flails around the drum can kill anything still flopping around in the mud. Then refill it with water twice as saline as the Salton Sea. Resalt as necessary, so that nothing can ever live there again. Any “environmentalists” caught trying to bring the wetlands back to their former state will be shown Vlad Tepes’s favorite form of punishment.

  6. A 100?

    I worked for the IG during the last year of the Obama administration and all through the Trump administration. You could pick any ring of the Pentagon and you’d find 1,000 deep staters doing all they could to slow walk Trump’s policies (active duty and civilian). That’s one agency. Every 3 letter agency has (10’s of) thousands of career civil servants who know exactly who butters their bread. DoS was almost as bad, but not THE worst (that is a 3-way tie between DOJ, FBI and HHS). Some of them are so corrupt they are irreparable. The only cure is government insolvency–and we need to hire Javier Milei of Argentina as Head of Reorganization and Nayib Bukele as Head of National Security, Incarceration and Deportation.

  7. Nothing’s going to happen, Orange man or otherwise. Maybe Ramaswamey would have done something, but the fat .gov line does an excellent job of closing ranks and protecting its malefactors.

    Its why the concept of Sovereign Immunity needs to end sooner rather than later.

  8. 18 USC 242 deprivation of rights under color of law.
    That would fit Fauci, Brix and a bunch of others at NIH and CDC. Would also apply to the f***ers “asking” Farcebook, Twitter etc to delete posts that they did not like.

  9. Second or third Executive Order should be to remove the ability of simple serpents to have a union. Federal employee unions were allowed by EO of FDR (iirc) despite misgivings he expressed at the time.

    As for the many simple serpents who possibly cannot be instantly dismissed, offer them a new position *with a raise* (of one dollar) somewhere far far away from the delights of DC, maybe Alaska or North Dakota. Remember, it will be January!

    I think that Javier Milai might have run across the works of Sean Gabb ( who has written about what to do, if a genuinely conservative government were to take control of the UK. His thoughts on this can be read online or purchased for a piffling sum.

    Chapter 5 expounds the strategy of smashing the enemy class, by shutting down, all of their bolt-holes *at the same time*. So every department and sinecure org is killed *at the same time*. There can be no set-piece battles to prevent the first from being shredded, when all are punished at once. And in a sense most important, there should be NO gifts or grants or other transfers of funds to anyone, where there is no expectation of consideration in return. Most of the ‘expert’ quangos require federal funding to continue.
    Another line of attack is to remove the 501(c) accreditation from the many lefty funds which claim ‘charity’ status but which are engaged in directly political work. (Tides, Packard, Ford, Rockefeller, etc.)
    Gotta go find me a drink. This raises my blood pressure.

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