Next Week: Armageddon

…for the Brits, anyway, as they are going to vote the Communist Labour Party into power because reasons.

After Bill Clinton was elected President, I remember expressing my amazement to a friend that almost the very first thing he did was increase taxes.  My friend’s response was withering:  Of course he raised taxes:  he’s a fucking Democrat, and that’s what they do.”

Now back over The Pond…

Here’s the opinion of the Greatest Living Englishman on the topic:

Anyone who thinks that Labour will behave in any way differently to what Clarkson says needs to jump off a cliff.  And in fact Labour may do worse, much worse.

I’m not taking any bets on that.


  1. Tories vs Labour is the choice of evils. And then there’s the SNP… A demolition of the Tories could be good in the longer term as it will allow them to (ahem) reform and rebuild, as in Canada. The Tories have two apparently sensible leaders in waiting in Kemi Badenoch and Penny Mordaunt, though Mordaunt might lose her seat.

    Vote Monster Raving Loony – it’s the only sensible choice.

  2. Meanwhile here in the colonies we are viewing the self-destruction of our former European moral superiors with great satisfaction. They voted for socialism and we hope that they get it, good and hard.

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