News Roundup

And still talking a load of Bols:

From the Everybody Panic!!! Department:

...that’s “monkeypox” to you and me, but it was changed to “Mpox” lest Al Sharpton got offended.

In the Department of Health:

From Straight Talk Central:

...of course he’s right, but that’s soooo intolerant not to mention rayciss.  And speaking of raycissm: is the U.S. Olympic Basketball team proof of Reconstruction legacy, then?  Asking for a friend.

From the War Department:

...and why not?  Are they not the equals of men?

...and let’s draft her first.
#WaitWhat #ElvisPresley

From the Travel Agency:

...and all that money wasted on a Third World airport.

From the Ministry of Truth:

...if he were the President of the Planet Zarg, perhaps.  But here on Planet Earth:

...I wonder how he got that done?

In Election News:

...can’t keep a good woman down, can ya?

...guess he discovered the truth of Hymietown.  [/Jesse Jackson]  Also:

“but but but the Jews have always voted for us before!”

Let’s indulge in some contemplation of 


   ...when life imitates The Matrix.

...never mind the heartbreak, here’s the lissome Olivia:

And that’s all the news worth spreading.


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