Not Alone

Seems as though I’m not the only one out there who is looking askance at the current “dressing down” (or as I refer to it, “prole drift”) of society.  The redoubtable Laura Perrins of TCW* Magazine has an even more jaundiced view than I:

Never trust a politician without a tie

I’d post an excerpt, but her entire article is just too delightful for words, so go there now.

And while she uses Oily Little Shit Tony Blair as her exemplar of the Untrustworthy Politician genre, there are several Over Here, too.  Like this fucking asshole:


*stands for The Conservative Woman — and has nothing to do with the Brits’ version of our Stupid Party.


  1. A pack of Parisian airheads get all swoony over a draft of Croatian grunts and centuries later we’re still putting up with costume snark. The cockerel on my instep crows in derision.

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