Fair Warning

Today’s Moving Day, finally.  I mean, most of our stuff is already at the new place, but the movers are coming to take care of all the Big ‘N Heavy Stuff — bed, armoire, couch and chairs — and I’ll be sort of between Internet services.  (From long and bitter experience, I expect that despite all my careful planning, AT&T is somehow going to cock things up so I might be Internet-free for the next couple of days.)

Please be patient;  “normal” service should resume shortly.

I hope.

Quote Of The Day

From CanuckiPM Justin Castreau:

“We have seen around the world a rise of populist right-wing forces in just about every democracy that we’ve seen. And it is of concern to see political parties choosing to instrumentalize anger, fear, division, anxiety.”

Sucks when it happens to you, dunnit?  You fucking Commie asshole.

First Report / Second Report

At first, the viral video showed some asshole Manhattan finance type [redundancy alert]  punching a woman unconscious, and the general reaction was anger at the man’s brutality.

Well, Nazzo fast, Guido.  Seems as though there was more to the story than first met the eye:

Millionaire investment banker Jonathan Kaye was threatened, called anti-Semitic slurs, and doused in a mystery liquid, moments before he was filmed punching a woman at a Brooklyn Pride parade, a source with knowledge of the incident told DailyMail.com.

Insiders close to the 52-year-old banker claim the viral clip did not capture the full clash on Saturday, which began when a group of four female ‘Queers for Palestine’ supporters started allegedly taunting Kaye — who is Jewish — as he returned from dinner.

Kaye is said to have told the group that they were ‘on the wrong side’, prompting the women to gang up on him, the source said.

By the way, it was an excellent punch.

And when they’re acting like thugs (like the punchee was), I for one can’t see the problem with beating the shit out of a Palsymp shitforbrains anyway.  There should be a lot more of it.

“Queers For Palestine”, my aching Gentile ass.  Can you say “Deport these queers to Palestine to see how they’re received”, children?

Sky May Be Falling

…or in this case, the ground may be moving:

An underwater fault line along the US West Coast could trigger a megaquake that would be more devastating than California’s ‘Big One,’ a new study suggests.
Using underwater mapping techniques, scientists have mapped the Cascadia Subduction Zone — a 600-mile fault line extending from southern Canada to northern California — in never-before seen detail.
It has revealed that the fault splits into four segments instead of being one continuous strip like most fault lines. The discovery could prove more catastrophic because the tectonic plates can slide under each other, creating more pressure and more severe earthquakes.

The researchers concluded the Cascadia Subduction Zone has the potential to unleash a nine-plus magnitude quake.

I know:  Chicken Little, sky falling, “studies suggest” etc. etc.  That doesn’t mean that catastrophe isn’t going to strike at some point in the near future — the law of averages says it must — and I’m sure my Readers will all join me in expressing support for the citizens of Seattle, Portland, Vancouver and San Francisco, the cities most likely to be horribly damaged by this earth shift, with the concomitant massive loss of life.