Let Freedom Ring

…or to be more specific, Let The Girls Swing.  Some middle-aged tart thinks that British women should be more like their French counterparts when it comes to going topless:

British women, after all, still get remarkably hot and bothered over the concept of being ‘beach body ready’, as if the very idea of displaying the female form is inherently sexist or objectifying. 

At that time, I had lived in France for 14 years and, in my view, British women rather overthink all this, while the French just get on with topping up their tans. 

Let’s not even talk about American women’s attitude to the above topic.  The Puritan spirit lives on…

As a red-blooded heterosexual man, I could easily smirk and urge Teh Wimmens to follow the suggestions of Miss Brick, because anyone familiar with these pages knows that I am an unashamed admirer of les seins impressionnants, as witnessed by my frequent paeans of praise for this part of the female anatomy as personified by proud breast-bearers such as Salma Hayek, Nigella Lawson, Carole Vorderman et al.

I think you get the picture(s).

I also know that there are the Fussy Ones out there — the people who might whine that if toplessness were to be confined to such as the above, everything would be dandy.

“But FFS Kim,” they say, “there are an awful lot of women out there who shouldn’t be displaying their uncovered frontage!”

I say this:  if in the name of our Second Amendment freedoms I can put up with ugly-ass guns like Glock or H&K, then we men should be similarly accommodating to the occasional sight of, shall we say, less than ideal examples of womanly pulchritude.

In other words, to quote Derek Robinson, just relax and enjoy your problem.  I also say that if we get the chance to see things like this:

…we should accept the fact that we will occasionally be exposed to this:

You may call it whatever you want, but I just think of it as

,,,and we all know how important that is, n’est ce pas?

In fact, for the month of July, all Caption Competitions will feature pictures of naked women.  That’s how strongly I feel about it.

Movin’ On Up

…or rather, out.  Reader Brad (who lives there) sends me these headlines from Illinois:

“But where,”  you may ask, “is Headline #1?”

Well, you see, it deserves a place all by itself, because #2-5 are just the causes and consequences of #1.  So here it is:

More than 87,000 people moved out of Illinois taking with them nearly $10 billion in income, according to the latest Internal Revenue Service data. For the last six years, the total lost adjusted gross income is more than $47.5 billion.

While 14,486 people moved to Illinois from California in 2022, bringing with them $1.5 billion in income, the latest IRS data shows 31,600 of those who left Illinois went to Florida, taking with them $4.1 billion dollars.

Total lost income out of Illinois because of outmigration was $9.8 billion in 2022. Last year’s IRS migration report found 105,000 fewer individuals, taking with them $10.6 billion. The year before that, nearly 101,000 people left Illinois, taking with them $8.5 billion.

That’s the ticket, folks:  leave the poxy place and starve the bastards out.

Just remember, when you get to Florida, Texas etc., exactly why you bailed;  and don’t vote for the same shit — that would be socialist politicians — in your new place.


Also in my Inbox, this time from American Airlines:

Bearing in mind that I live in north Texas and have pretty much all the heat I can handle (and more), which garden spots can AA be pimping?


It’s also known for its crime and tourist ripoffs.  Also, isn’t hurricane season just around the corner?  Pass.  Next:


Ah yes… NYfC in the summer heat.  Always a pleasure, in a place whose crime and ripoffs make T&C look like a bunch of complete amateurs — and that was before all the recent silliness.  As they say there, fuggeddabahdit.  Next:


In Texas terms, going to Florida in summer is described as “out of the frying pan and onto the gas ring.”  Thanks, but if I want heat and humidity, I can just step out onto my patio.  And finally:


Yeah, thanks.  If I want Mex street food, we’ve got a couple taco trucks that can be found the apartment parking lot every Friday and Saturday.  And… Aztec ruins, in Mexico City?  I thought the conquistadores  kinda leveled them.  But I could be wrong, as I may be wrong about Mex City’s crime rate.

Great promotion, American.  You utter dicks.

News Roundup

And speaking of dildos:

From the Woke News Desk:

...I know, I know:  these roundups are meant to be bad news.  And:

...and if ever there was a company that shouldn’t have done this nonsense at all...

...thus alienating all three of their hardcore LGBTOSTFU fans.

And in Global Cooling Climate Warming Change© News:

...just another moment of idiocy among thousands of hours of the same.

...hammering the point home, so to speak.

In The Great Cultural Assimilation Project© News:

...questions?  Yes, you in the back?  Ummm yes I think that being tossed out of helicopters at 500 feet above shark-infested waters may also be somewhat offensive to them.

...see above (and below).

...keyword:  Massachusetts.

And in parallel news:

...sorry, Ramiro:  finding Jesus and being regretful may help you later, just not with the Texas justice system right now.  Adios, asshole.

Still on crime matters:

...wait, what was the middle bit, again?

In Election News:

...well okay, except:

...not that they would ever be bothered by any inconvenient laws, or anything.  Still, let me be out there first:  Biden Didn’t Kill Himself.

In Miscellaneous News:

...no link because mass vomiting.

And now, some truly
(featuring EXTRA Kardashian!)
        …ummm no.  

...if it hasn’t by now, Toots, it ain’t gonna.

And in Celebrity Gossip:

...and, according to her one-time boyfriend, sexually insatiable as well:

Who knew that about Winona Ryder?

And that’s all the news fit to complain about.

Intriguing, But Probably Not

Here’s one explanation as to why the Socialists allowed President Braindead onto the debating stage last week:

It was the debate heard around the world, and it changed the U.S. presidential election overnight. While former President Donald Trump was already looking good in the polls, it was still a tight race, but then frail Joe Biden appeared on the CNN stage in Atlanta Thursday night and proved he is simply not up to the job of commander-in-chief.

But was his disastrous performance an accident? Or were devious insiders setting up the octogenarian to fail so they could replace him with someone a little sharper—say, perhaps California Gov. Gavin Newsom or Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer? 


Now, if Biden were to be found dangling on a rope in the Oval Office in a “suicide” scenario — now that is more like the Socialists we all know and love.

…but that’s just replacement theory.  It’s not like FJB somehow got hold of Jeffrey Epstein’s client list, or anything.

And anyway, if the Democrats’ best replacement hopes are the respective Gauleiters of Michigan and Kalifornia, they may as well stick with Biden.

The REAL Big Loser?

Last week the Supreme Court dealt what seems to be a massive blow to the bureaucracy of the modern Administrative State — wherein an agency can become a de facto mini-state by creating and interpreting its own regulations, and then enforcing them without much in the way of legal oversight and defense.

The beacon in this ruling is SEC v. Jarkesy, which noted “…the Securities Exchange Commission’s power to serve as enforcer, prosecutor, judge, jury, and executioner in administrative proceedings for violating the securities laws. The Court found that the defendants are entitled to a jury trial before an Article III judge.”

Needless to say, the gun guys — especially these folks, from whom I excerpted and modified the previous paragraph — who have long suffered such iniquity at the hands of the loathsome Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms (ATF) agency, are all over this.

However, lost in all this excitement is the agency which I think has the most to lose from Jarkesy  (and the earlier Loper Bright v. Raimondo decision).

I refer here to the still-more loathsome Internal Revenue Service (IRS), who have always been able to bludgeon taxpayers in this manner.  They have their own regulations, their own courts and, lest we forget, a veritable army of well-armed minions who are only too willing to enforce their agency’s regulatory diktat.  I remember seeing on TV an excellent summary of the power of the IRS when a judge said, “So basically, in order to win your case against this man, all the IRS has to do is prove that they followed their own internal procedures properly?”  to which the IRS lawyer said, “Yes, your Honor.”

Massive rafts of tax law have given birth to an entire world of tax lawyers and -accountants (both in private practice and in the IRS itself), which is in itself excessive and burdensome.  (I am reminded of the way colonial Hong Kong collected income tax:  once a year the taxpayer took to the tax office his employer’s statement of his gross salary paid, and he would write out a cheque for 5% of that total to the government.  That’s it.  Imagine the impact of that scenario in the United States today.)

Anyway, I’m not only not a lawyer, but I also don’t play one on TV and I sure as hell don’t play one on this blog.  But I am generally cognizant of the bigger picture, and I’m just wondering if the greatest losers of the Lopez Bright  and Jarkesy  decisions will not be the horrible SEC, EPA and ATF, but the fouler-still IRS.

I am sure that the Powdered Wigs among my Readership will be only too pleased to set me straight.