Just Like Guns, Eh Bill?

From Cloud-Cuckoo Land, where unicorns are a common sight:

Speaking in London this week, Bill Gates called AI a ‘wonderful’ technology that can save humans from climate change and disease.

But he warned that it needs to be used ‘by people with good intent’, as it could be used by criminals ‘engaged in cyber attacks or political interference’.

Yeah, for “A.I.” read guns — well, except that he’s a well-known gun control advocate (except when it comes to his security detail, probably).  And the parallel doesn’t end there:

Gates, one of the 10 richest humans in the world, said: ‘The defence has to be smarter than the offence.’

He may be one of the richest, but he sure as hell isn’t one of the smartest.  (Hell, he buys into the “climate change” bullshit — an infallible indicator of dumbassery right there.)

Stick to Windows, Bill.  Gawd knows it needs help.

As for defense:


  1. ‘he buys into the “climate change” bullshit’ … probably not. He wants YOU to buy into the climate change bullshit and the concomitant totalitarian control that it requires. Meanwhile, Mr. Gates has certainly positioned himself to take advantage of the system he expects to create to tyrannize the rest of us. You can rest assured on that.
    AI, by the way, is not your friend when it comes to plans our betters have for us and Billy boy is not one of the “people with good intent.” I worked at a company until recently that was actively building “AI” systems to detect fraud in financial and insurance systems. That seems like a good idea and it works great for that purpose. All AI does to make that happen is find patterns in the data and connect the dots. If the pattern of transactions or claims looks like something that often turns out to be fraudulent, then flag it and take action. You get a call from Amex asking you if it’s really you who bought a laptop to ship to Bosnia. That’s AI in a nutshell. Sounds lovely until people use it to look for other patterns like “bad think” you post on line or “bad products” you purchase or “bad people” you associate with. There’s no stopping evil bastards from using AI systems for those purposes. ChatGPT and the other “friendly helper” AI tools are the more benign face of AI, whereas the data collection and pattern finding surveillance tools are the evil underbelly that no one talks very much about.

  2. Amazing innit how having fuckyou money causes one to go stupid?

    I believe I could defy the odds.
    Just give me a couple billion and I’ll prove it for ya!
    (I’ll be so far gone you won’t even remember me!)

  3. Being one of the ten richest sure doesn’t mean he’s one of the ten smartest. I do not trust AI in the hands or factories of Bill Gates. The idea of putting AI in charge of the climate issue worries the hell out of me.

  4. Since the Windows products come with all or almost all computers these days how is this not a monopoly? I thought the Clinton administration was really going after Gates and Microsoft. I guess they had a sit down at one of the Bilderburg or Coconut Grove gatherings

    Fuck Bill Gates with a running chainsaw.

  5. Gates is only a hairless cat away from recognition as a supervillian.

    His backing of the “vaccines”, desire for 7.5 Billion less humans, support for the world-wide autocratic government, and MS Word are clear indicators of his megalomania.

  6. AI is massively hardware intensive. Your average user can afford a “gaming” machine with a GPU that is suitable for processing limited, “toy” AIs after much huffing and wheezing. Most people can’t afford proper bitcoin mining rigs, and that’s the category of machine cluster that is the gateway for “real” AI.

    Unlike the democratic web 1.0, in which both publication and consumption of network connected information was affordable to everyone, Big AI absolutely needs Big Hardware, and that all will be locked up like a dragon guarding its gold horde. Long story short: things like Chat GPT are trained using systems comprised of dozens and now hundreds of $30,000 cluster GPUs.

    The major horizontal, general purpose AI vendors, who own these massive rigs, are stumbling over themselves to present to government as “responsible” AI vendors, doing their best to prep the battle space and structure the inevitable regulatory hue and cry in their favor. As it stands, hoi poloi end users will only have access to AI that is entirely Nerfed, wrapped up in endless guardrails, layers of intermediation, and monitoring. Even industry professionals have to wrestle the guardrails to get the LLM to accept inputs with legitimate but controversial looking payloads for processing.

    The priestly caste guarding the glass walled compute center always hated the personal computer, because it was personal. They never really went away.

    1. “The priestly caste guarding the glass walled compute center always hated the personal computer, because it was personal. They never really went away.”

      Truer words were never spoken.

      1. The peasants in the past stormed castles, and in winning dealt with the “master” as they desired.
        Does Gates think that just because technology changes, human actions do also?
        He, and his, will at some point find that the castle they have erected around themselves will be no more protective than the walls of Troy.

  7. Bill Gate’s successes are restricted to:
    1. Defrauding IBM into buying his half-assed, half finished POS DOS operating system.
    2. Stealing Apple’s graphic user interface.

    He was a thief and a fraud from day one and still is.

    I know, I was there, in IT, watching it happen. What a piece of shit he is and was.

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