Intriguing, But Probably Not

Here’s one explanation as to why the Socialists allowed President Braindead onto the debating stage last week:

It was the debate heard around the world, and it changed the U.S. presidential election overnight. While former President Donald Trump was already looking good in the polls, it was still a tight race, but then frail Joe Biden appeared on the CNN stage in Atlanta Thursday night and proved he is simply not up to the job of commander-in-chief.

But was his disastrous performance an accident? Or were devious insiders setting up the octogenarian to fail so they could replace him with someone a little sharper—say, perhaps California Gov. Gavin Newsom or Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer? 


Now, if Biden were to be found dangling on a rope in the Oval Office in a “suicide” scenario — now that is more like the Socialists we all know and love.

…but that’s just replacement theory.  It’s not like FJB somehow got hold of Jeffrey Epstein’s client list, or anything.

And anyway, if the Democrats’ best replacement hopes are the respective Gauleiters of Michigan and Kalifornia, they may as well stick with Biden.


  1. The nuclear football was at the debate last week, handcuffed to a military officer. If the fit hits the shan between now and inauguration day, we are well and truly fucked – and it’ll happen hard & fast. If Putin decides enough is enough with the billions we keep pouring into Ukraine & lobs a nuke, Brandon’s advisors will have 7 minutes to talk a vegetable into doing something useful. If Kim Jong Whackjob does the same thing because he’s Kim Jong Whackjob, they’ll have about half that time. The full weight of those cataclysmic decisions now fall to a man who can barely organize or express a single coherent thought.

    Whether you like or loathe DJT – I lean toward loathing – should have no bearing on that reality. The fact is lefties & Brandon drones are far more cultish than anything they ascribe to magaworld. And if Brandon drools while the world burns, they’ll cheer him on every step of the way.

    We’re in the best of hands.

  2. I believe the Democrats in Washington are all well aware of Pedo Joe’s declining abilities and put him on stage on purpose. Now that everyone sees how he can’t get a coherent thought out of his mouth, it has become clear to everyone that Pedo Joe simply cannot do the job he is in for four more months let alone for another four years.

    Now ask the important question. Just who is running the country right now? It’s not Jill or Kackle-A

    1. Question: Should FJB continue in office for the next 6-3/4 months, or should he be a gentleman and step aside after the votes are counted on 11/5, and let Kamala have her spot in the sun for 2-1/2 months?
      After all, how much more damage can she do than has done already?

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