
Also in my Inbox, this time from American Airlines:

Bearing in mind that I live in north Texas and have pretty much all the heat I can handle (and more), which garden spots can AA be pimping?


It’s also known for its crime and tourist ripoffs.  Also, isn’t hurricane season just around the corner?  Pass.  Next:


Ah yes… NYfC in the summer heat.  Always a pleasure, in a place whose crime and ripoffs make T&C look like a bunch of complete amateurs — and that was before all the recent silliness.  As they say there, fuggeddabahdit.  Next:


In Texas terms, going to Florida in summer is described as “out of the frying pan and onto the gas ring.”  Thanks, but if I want heat and humidity, I can just step out onto my patio.  And finally:


Yeah, thanks.  If I want Mex street food, we’ve got a couple taco trucks that can be found the apartment parking lot every Friday and Saturday.  And… Aztec ruins, in Mexico City?  I thought the conquistadores  kinda leveled them.  But I could be wrong, as I may be wrong about Mex City’s crime rate.

Great promotion, American.  You utter dicks.


    1. I’d be willing to bet that Mexico City’s water infrastructure dates from 1974 or earlier. Now the 1974 population of ~10,000,000 has grown to 22,000,000 and I’ll bet they’ve done fuckall to upgrade their system to accommodate that population growth.
      Same goes goes for California, which has not only grown exponentially, but the climate change econazis are doing their best to waste water breaching dams or draining them to save fish, some of which are infamously not even native.
      I noticed the ass kissing reporter just had to throw in the obligatory “human caused climate change” a couple of times, yet cites no numbers just how much of a process that has been going on for millennia is affected by the arrival of humans a few seconds ago in geologic time.

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