Let Freedom Ring

…or to be more specific, Let The Girls Swing.  Some middle-aged tart thinks that British women should be more like their French counterparts when it comes to going topless:

British women, after all, still get remarkably hot and bothered over the concept of being ‘beach body ready’, as if the very idea of displaying the female form is inherently sexist or objectifying. 

At that time, I had lived in France for 14 years and, in my view, British women rather overthink all this, while the French just get on with topping up their tans. 

Let’s not even talk about American women’s attitude to the above topic.  The Puritan spirit lives on…

As a red-blooded heterosexual man, I could easily smirk and urge Teh Wimmens to follow the suggestions of Miss Brick, because anyone familiar with these pages knows that I am an unashamed admirer of les seins impressionnants, as witnessed by my frequent paeans of praise for this part of the female anatomy as personified by proud breast-bearers such as Salma Hayek, Nigella Lawson, Carole Vorderman et al.

I think you get the picture(s).

I also know that there are the Fussy Ones out there — the people who might whine that if toplessness were to be confined to such as the above, everything would be dandy.

“But FFS Kim,” they say, “there are an awful lot of women out there who shouldn’t be displaying their uncovered frontage!”

I say this:  if in the name of our Second Amendment freedoms I can put up with ugly-ass guns like Glock or H&K, then we men should be similarly accommodating to the occasional sight of, shall we say, less than ideal examples of womanly pulchritude.

In other words, to quote Derek Robinson, just relax and enjoy your problem.  I also say that if we get the chance to see things like this:

…we should accept the fact that we will occasionally be exposed to this:

You may call it whatever you want, but I just think of it as

,,,and we all know how important that is, n’est ce pas?

In fact, for the month of July, all Caption Competitions will feature pictures of naked women.  That’s how strongly I feel about it.


  1. Oh boy. Let’s just start with the fact that anyone who argues that, say, in Japan all bathrooms are unisex isn’t presenting a real argument. There are distinct differences in culture between different countries. And changing the window dressing (i.e. unisex bathrooms or topless beaches) does not improve the receiving culture, it degrades it. Without the background cultural underpinnings, the window dressing becomes perverted and we lose part of what makes us different. We hear all the time about how, in Europe, real men don’t need guns. Well? Want to import that culture here? Or that in one of those Scandinavian countries that socialism really really works, for real pinky swear. OK, in a 100% homogenous country with a common culture, certain things work that would never ever work anywhere else. But hey, let’s try that too (ok, we already have and it’s a total failure, but still the point stands).

    So yeah, the fact that you admit to lusting over seeing certain women topless puts you outside of the culture where topless women are considered a normal sight at the beach. I’d rather stick to our American culture, circa 1950’s or earlier, and reverse all the degradation we’ve seen since the 60’s on. You wanna see naked titties on the beach, book a flight to France.

    But yeah, I like looking at (certain) titties myself, but only in an appropriate setting. Like on my mobile phone while at work pretending to read production reports. Maybe not the best example.

  2. In general when it comes to boobage I, too, am of the Vive la difference! school: the more the merrier and if some are less appealing then just cast your eyes elsewhere. However, as with everything, there are limits. I go camping with friends in Michigan’s UP every summer. One year a member of the group suggested that we should go to the local (purported) strip club and “see some north woods titties”. Having just seen an inkling of what that might entail as we stocked up on supplies in town the group decided ignorance is bliss and vetoed his suggestion.

  3. Perhaps in Euroland all the boobage on display is worth viewing, but I suspect that here in the good old US of A, the women we’ll want to see will be the least likely to give a show, while the Lena Dunhams will shove their dangly bags in our faces at every opportunity.

  4. I was up camping with friends way back in my late-20s or early 30s. We were in Ontario, Canada when the Canadian supreme court ruled that women going topless was legal. The woman at the center of the case that legalized it happened to be on the camping trip with us; friend of a friend of a friend. Let’s just say in retrospect it wasn’t a great ruling from a man’s perspective.

    A few months later, I saw a bumper sticker that summarized things nicely. Top line: US Flag, the words “right to bear arms,” and an AR-15. Bottom line: Canadian flag, the words “right to bare breasts,” image of boobies. Third line: “Any questions?”

  5. Am I the only man here who doesn’t find example 2 all that objectionable? Plus she looks like a whole lot less TROUBLE than #1. Besides I like my women with some meat on them. Rather physical than emotional baggage.

    Or maybe I’m just getting (or have gotten) old with the commensurate distaste for drama and BS.

    Mark D

    1. Used to you’d look at some of the bigger heifers and think, well, at least she’ll know how to cook. And she’d be more appreciative of any attention you’d give her. Sadly that ain’t always the case. Fool me once and all that.

  6. It is my NTBH opinion that for every pair of yaabos that the Good Lord has created, there is a man thinking “Yep, He sure knew what he was doing when He made those!”

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