Movin’ On Up

…or rather, out.  Reader Brad (who lives there) sends me these headlines from Illinois:

“But where,”  you may ask, “is Headline #1?”

Well, you see, it deserves a place all by itself, because #2-5 are just the causes and consequences of #1.  So here it is:

More than 87,000 people moved out of Illinois taking with them nearly $10 billion in income, according to the latest Internal Revenue Service data. For the last six years, the total lost adjusted gross income is more than $47.5 billion.

While 14,486 people moved to Illinois from California in 2022, bringing with them $1.5 billion in income, the latest IRS data shows 31,600 of those who left Illinois went to Florida, taking with them $4.1 billion dollars.

Total lost income out of Illinois because of outmigration was $9.8 billion in 2022. Last year’s IRS migration report found 105,000 fewer individuals, taking with them $10.6 billion. The year before that, nearly 101,000 people left Illinois, taking with them $8.5 billion.

That’s the ticket, folks:  leave the poxy place and starve the bastards out.

Just remember, when you get to Florida, Texas etc., exactly why you bailed;  and don’t vote for the same shit — that would be socialist politicians — in your new place.


  1. I saw a billboard (which was most likely cooked up in Ye Olde Photoshoppe) that said “Welcome to Texas. Remember: you’re refugees, not missionaries. Don’t turn us into what you fled.” In any event, the data seems to indicate that people fleeing the blue states for America are the conservatives. Unlike the limousine liberals who turned Colorado blue, they’re making the reddish states full red, and the red states solid GOP strongholds. Naturally, being the Stupid Party, they’ll eventually screw it all up. But it’s nice for now.

  2. We left Minnesota as soon as we could after I retired since my job kinda held us there. I’d love to see the statistics for MN in terms of total in- vs out-migration. My understanding in communicating with those left behind in the Vast Swamp™ is that the people moving out are the productive and the retirees, taking with them their tax base. The ones moving in are almost exclusively various forms of parasites, including the massive influx of Somali’s plus all of the illegals that have flooded the cities.

    Dave Olson:
    Here in NW Wyoming we usually refer to ourselves as “political and economic refugees from the Soviet Socialist State of Minnesota” and it’s typically met with a chuckle from the folks here. It’s also a nice way to sort out the rare socialist here since they have no sense of humor. We came here because we LIKE the existing culture (freedom combined with personal responsibility for your actions) not because we want to change it.

  3. Surprising number of CA, OR, UT, IL, and VA plates apearing here in Berkshire County. Of course there always have been FL snowbirds coming up for the summer pleasures, but very many of these visitors’ vehicles appear to have come from lefty places. Never have interviewed any, so I don’t know if we’re seeing missionaries or proselytes.

  4. I’m still stuck behind the Blue curtain. NH looks somewhat promising. There is a large population of Libertarians up there as part of their Free State Project. Then there are lots of blue commies who treat southern NH as a suburb of Boston driving property prices into the stratosphere.

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