I’m Not Saying I’m Sick, But

Death would be a semi-welcome relief right now.  Cough, sore throat, sneezes (as many as a dozen in a row), post-nasal drip:  all sneering at whatever I throw at them: penicillin, Mucinex, saline spray, cough lozenges.

I suspect even a fucking .45 bullet would just evince a mocking laugh: “Is that the best you can do?  Hahahahaha…. here, have another sneezing fit, and let’s throw in a little bowel action, just to make your life still more pleasant.  Oh, and forget about sleep, we can add some cold shivers to help with that.”

Back tomorrow.  Maybe.


    1. Here lies Lester Moore
      Four slugs from a .44
      No Les, No more.
      There Goes the Neighborhood
      – Jacob Cohen, aka Rodney Dangerfield
      I will not be right back after these messages
      – Merv Griffin

  1. is this what’s now called COVID which used to be called the flu which used to be called a bad cold?
    I am not a physician, repeat: not a physician, but my remedy for situations such as this has always been
    GIN – a tot or two, take as required.

  2. Two fingers of good (or even not so good) whiskey – two fingers being the distance between index finger and pinky. It may not help, but you won’t care.

  3. My heart goes out to you mate. The wife and I flew from Singapore to Sydney on an aircraft that was 100% full of sick, coughing motherfuckers at the end of May. She caught Covid and I caught something that wasn’t Covid, but sounds exactly like what you have.

    Six weeks later I still have a cough, and I’ve just started antibiotics to fix a secondary sinus infection.

    I hope you have a better outcome. Take it easy and take care.

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