
This little snippet has been making the rounds, wherein the Communist Media has been worrying not about an assassination attempt on a Presidential candidate, but about all the “Rightwing retaliatory violence” that could (note: could ) ensue.

Now far be it for me to fan the flames here, but even if we did want to visit a little righteous vengeance on our local Communist cadres, we are at a distinct disadvantage.

You see, the Commies really have only one target to concentrate on — Trump — whereas we BitterclingerRightwingTrumpistaDeplorables have what could charitably be called an embarrassment of riches.  I mean, where would we begin?

Forget Biden;  he’s on Nature’s Death Row already, and his VP is about as consequential (and as useful) as a fly buzzing around a dog turd.

Soros pére et fils ?  Tempting… but not immediately political.

Among the Democrat Politburo, there’s a huge choice, but they’re pretty much the Usual Suspects:  Schumer, Pelosi, Durbin, Blumenthal, Cantwell, Gillibrand, Markey… and that’s just the Senate.

As for the House, there’s a serious argument to be made in favor of the so-called “Squad” (especially the radical Afro-Muzzies), but honestly?  AOC is more fun as comedy relief, whereas her successor might not be,

Of geographic interest are the various Blue State governors:  Newsom (CA), Whitmer (MI), Pritzker (IL), Hochul (NY), Inslee (WA), Kotek (OR), Healey (MA) and so on.  I’m sure there would be a lot of local support for their removal, but even taken collectively, none could be considered as as much a figurehead as is DJT.

And forget the Supreme Court twerps like the Wise Latina;  not that important, in the grand scheme of things, especially as our next president will appoint decent alternatives once they too fall prey to the Grim Reaper.

So with all those choices, it’s more of a Hydra-headed situation.  Which means it isn’t gonna happen — because we don’t do that kind of thing;  we still express our displeasure (so far) through the ballot box.

Although I bet the Communist media would love us to change that.  (Ain’t gonna happen.)

For the Alphabet Agencies who might be showing an interest here:  fuck you, I’m trying to make a joke of what is actually a deadly serious business.  My suggestion for them:  concentrate on the real dangers:  you know, Antifa, BLM and Known Assholes etc. who have already shown themselves to be prone to violence.

Because FYI:  the next shooter isn’t going to be a Catholic homeschooling mom.


  1. I’m losing my patience here. Don’t the far right Q Anon fascist threat to democracy Trump supporters know that the correct response is rioting, burning and looting?

  2. You forgot the weasel Mayorkas. As far as the rest go, embrace the healing power of ‘and.’

  3. My wife will occasionally go off on a rant and end it with “Why the fuck won’t anyone on our side stand up and do SOMETHING??”

    My response is usually along the lines of, “Ok, who do you want me to kill. I can probably get one, maybe two of their head guys. I’ll die or spend the rest of my life in prison. Your life will be ruined and everything we have will be taken from you. And to top it off, it probably won’t make much of a difference. But go ahead, give me a name.”

    There are too invested in every nook and cranny of the govt bureaucracy, the colleges, the schools, the justice dept, the media, etc. while the actual conservatives are basically window dressing on the fringes of power. A single bullet won’t solve anything. We’ll need artillery, belt-fed goodness, and lots and lots of rope. Hypothetically, of course.

    1. rope can be reused. We could even put out a grant to see how many times the rope can be re-used and control for variables such as saturation of the rope, weights of the guinea pigs etc.

  4. And then what?

    What comes next? After the shootings, the burnings and the explosions.

    The left has a “next”. We don’t.

    1. Precisely. And if they were to start with the rioting etc., law enforcement would stand by and do fuck-all.
      Imagine what the LE response would be if it was a gang of conservatives…

  5. How many useless-but-famous journo’s walk around w/o security?
    How could we bankrupt their employers?
    Borrowing a line from Shakespeare:
    The first thing we do is kill all the media!
    The only question is: Do you start at the top and work down, or vice-versa?

  6. Just think of the riots that would be going off if it was the other side, yet all we ever hear is how violent the right are!
    As I’ve said many times in the past “If the Right are so violent, how come Jane Fonda has not been worm food for these past 50 plus years?”.

  7. Antifa and BLM are government agencies. They are to get a response from us normies so the forces of evil can come after us.

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